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It emphasizes common goals, heritage and national pride A pledge of allegiance in any country is a political ploy. The thing that unites the people of any country is their fear of the cultures of other country's being forced upon them. It is like saying how does being forced to recite the Lords prayer every morning before school make you more Christian.
New laws requiring younger children to go to school
They don't depending on the school.
Illinois state law requires that "The Pledge of Allegiance shall be recited each school day by pupils in elementary and secondary educational institutions supported or maintained in whole or in part by public funds."The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the statute did not violate the students' rights, so long as students were free not to participate in the recitation of the Pledge.
I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the republic, for which it stands. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I think that's it...
School children first recited the pledge of allegiance in 1892.
There is no Australian pledge of Allegiance. Children do not recite any such pledge in school.
American children start school by saying The Pledge of Allegiance. This used to be the case, as now most schools do not recite this at the beginning of each school day.
as soon as they learned to spell allegiance correctly, they recited it starting in first grade
active citizenship
to show respect for this great land and to show that we're loyal
They do not have to, but it shows your respect for those who fought for this nation
Francis Bellamy's wrote the pledge so that school children and many others reciting the pledge would be "reflect[ing] his socialist beliefs." Francis Bellamy wrote The Pledge so that school children and many other Americans would be reflecting his socialist beliefs.
My wife and I are both public school teachers. And in the state of Michigan it not only isn't illegal, it is said every morning.The pledge of allegiance has not be made illegal in any public school in the US.However what has been made illegal is for the teacher,coach,principle,school board ect to require that every student must recite the Pledge...Due to the religious nature of the Pledge a student can decline to participate in reciting the pledge if it is against their religious beliefs or lack thereof and the student can not be punished for doing so..
The priest asked the children to recite the chatechism during Sunday school.
Yes, the pledge of allegiance is still in schools. In a lot of schools across America, children and young adults are saying the pledge of allegiance. Some are not allowing the phrase "under God" in the pledge, for not everyone believes in God, and it is only respectful.