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if the accountable officer obtained an advance decision from the proper authority and the improper payment was made in reliance on that advanced decision, or if he's a DoD Departmental Accountable Official and there was no fault or negligence

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Q: When is an accountable officer not liable for an improper payment?
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On what issues did Justices Ginsburg and Breyer agree in the Grokster case?

Justices Ginsburg and Breyer agreed that a company should be liable for the illegal use of its technology in the Grokster case. The company is only liable if it actively promotes the illegal uses of its technology.

How may an impeached official be punished if he is found guilty?

The punishment is the removal from office, disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the united states, the party shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgement and punishment, according to law.

What term describes the british policy of taking Americans sailors and forcing them to work on british ships?

Impressment, colloquially, "the Press", refers to the act of taking men into a navy by force and without notice. It was used by the Royal Navy, beginning in 1664 and during the 18th and early 19th centuries, in wartime, as a means of crewing warships, although legal sanction for the practice goes back to the time of Edward I of England. The Royal Navy impressed many merchant sailors, as well as some sailors from other nations. People liable to impressment were eligible men of seafaring habits between the ages of 18 and 45 years.Non-seamen were impressed as well, though rarely.Wiki

Can the US President be tried by the courts after he has been impeached by the House of Representatives and convicted by the Senate?

Yes, he can if he has been impeached and convicted for committing a criminal act. The Constitution in Article 1, Section 3 states that the judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold any other office of honor trust or profit under the United States. It then provides that the party convicted of the impeachable acts shall be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment according to law. This means that even if the Senate convicts a President of treason, the only effect is removal from office. The actual criminal trial would have to take place in the criminal courts. Ironically, it is possible for a President to be convicted and removed by the Senate for a crime and then the same president found innocent in the criminal court on the same charges.

What was the importance of the Senate and other assemblies to the roman republic?

The senate was the advisory body of the consuls. It debated policy matters and issued recommendations on these. It also provided advice on the drafting of bills. In special circumstances it could issue decrees. It was composed of patricians (aristocrats) and former officers of state. It stood for the interests of the aristocracy. The Centuriate Assembly was the Assembly of the Soldiers. It elected the higher officers of state (the consuls, praetors and censors), voted on war and peace and on bills proposed by the consuls. The Plebeian Councils was the assembly of the plebs, the commoners. It elected the representatives of the plebeians, the plebeian tribunes, and voted on bills proposed by these tribunes. It was liable to clash with the senate because it represented the interests of the poor.

Related questions

When is an accountable officer is not liable for improper payment?

if the accountable officer obtained an advance decision from the proper authority and the improper payment was made in reliance on that advanced decision, or if he's a DoD Departmental Accountable Official and there was no fault or negligence

When can accountable officer be held pecuniarily liable?

If the offense cost money, the officer responsible is pecuniarily liable.

Are accountable officials pecuniary liable for illegal improper or incorrect payments as a result of negligent performance of accountable official duties?


Accountable officials are pecuniary liable for illegal improper or incorrect payments as a result of negligent performance of accountable official duties?


Are accountable officials are pecuniary liable for illegal improper or incorrect payments as a result of negligent performance of accountable official duties?


What is true about accountable officials and certifying officials?

They are pecuniarily liable for all illegal, improper or incorrect payments

How can Departmental Accountable Officials be held liable?

They bear no presumption of negligence and are only liable for the dollar value of the erroneous payment that is attributable to their actions.

Are accountable officials pecuniary liable for illegal improper or incorrect payments as a result of negligence performance of Accountable Official duties?

Yes, accountable officials can be held pecuniary liable for illegal, improper, or incorrect payments that occur as a result of negligence in performing their duties. They have a responsibility to ensure that payments are made in accordance with the law and regulations, and any failures to do so may result in financial penalties or other legal consequences.

What is a Certifying Officer's Maximunm level of percuniary liability with regards to erroneous payments?

A Certifying Officer's maximum level of pecuniary liability for erroneous payments is typically limited to the amount of the payment made. They could be held personally liable for the amount if they knowingly or negligently authorized a payment that was improper or not supported by adequate documentation.

What is true about departmental accountable officials with regard to pecuniary liability?

They bear no presumption of negligence and are only liable for the dollar value of the erroneous payment that is attributable to their actions.

True or False Accountable Officials are pecuniary liable for illegal improper or incorrect payments as a result of negligent performance of Accountble Official duties?


What is another word for liable?

answerable accountable chargeable