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Q: Where are Traditionalist Political Cultures According To Daniel Elazar typically found?
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What are the three political subcultures according to Daniel Elazar?

Moralistic, Individualistic, and Traditionalistic

How might globalists and traditionalists view cultures places and region differently?

A globalist would look at the overall culture of the entire world as higher than that of the individual components. A traditionalist is opposite.

What did the beating of Charles Sumner show about the north and the south?

They had different cultures.

Cultures typically use political systems to regulate social behavior. what is the governing framework found in many nonindustrialized regions such as parts of the middle east?

Leadership is decentralized within small, virtually powerless groups.

What cultures typically blue eyes and blond hair?


What does caucus mean?

A caucus is a meeting of supporters or members of a political party or movement. The exact definition varies among political cultures.

What is an area of land tha is smaller than a continent?

An area of land that is smaller than a continent is called a country. Countries are political entities that are typically smaller than continents and have defined borders, governments, and often unique cultures.

What are artificial political boundaries?

imaginary lines that divide or seperate tribes, cultures, territories, or traditions

What is Political Subculture?

Political cultures may be consensual or conflictual on issues of public policy and on their views of legitimate governmental and political arrangements. In a consensual political culture citizens tend to agree on the appropriate means of making decisions and tend to share views of what the major problems of the society are and how to solve these. In more conflictual cultures the citizens are sharply divided, often on both the legitimacy of the regime and solutions to major problems.

What was the most common way early river valley civilizations expanded?

blending of cultures is not the answer it is political means

How cultures have been involved with science?

We typically think of culture as defined by geography or ethnicity

What are the different cultures in schools?

Different cultures in schools according to classes like 9th class are juniors and 10 class is senior's.