12,000 years ago was the earliest form of pottery found in the area now known as Japan.
Sonesaksith is originate from Laos to say "Sacred Arrow".
All revenue, tax, and "money bills" originate in the House of Representatives
In the United States Congress all revenue bills must originate in the House of Representatives as opposed to the Senate
The Senate has the power to initiate tax bills
The Guillotine originated in France.
*How did the primitive man originate That is the correct grammar.
yo man
it was a man who hid in a tree
new york
Wichita, Kansas
an old hungry man from jeruselem
Steak has been eaten since the dawn of man, so it did not even originate from germany, because germany didn't exist
i love you man. slap on the bass!! hehe x
The very moment man walked out of the first cave it began.
Mark 10:9
medieval England just so but from germanic predecessors