The word Whig seems to come from "Whigamore". A Whigamore was a country bumpkin. Someone who embraced the lifestyle of a person uncorrupted by city life. Whigs believed that every man was born in a state of perfect liberty, but to secure ones liberty it was necessary to give up some liberty (by setting up laws and government) in order to secure the rest of ones liberty). Whigs further believed that governments were easily corrupted and it was, therefore, necessary to wed "virtue" to government. Only with virtue could one prevent good government from sinking into corruption. Whigs were popular in early America in puritan New England.
The Whigs' campaign symbol was a log cabin, because it showed that the Whigs were hard-working, self-made people. It portrayed them as normal citizens and people.
justin beiber
The Whigs strongest support came from the manufacturers and shippers in the Northeast.
The whigs from the North were known as Conscience Whigs and those of the South were known as Cotton Whigs. The ones in the north opposed slavery except for the factory owners, which liked slavery die to the cheap cotton. the Southern Whigs supported slavery and wished to expand it into the territories.
The Whigs.
Patriot Whigs ended in 1803.
Opposed slavery
Conscience Whigs were a faction within the Whig Party in the US that opposed slavery on moral grounds. Cotton Whigs, on the other hand, were Whigs who supported slavery and were more concerned with economic interests related to the cotton industry.
Most of the first Republicans were former Whigs.
Because he failed to live up to the Whigs expectations . -A.M.G
the whigs did not want conquered territory to become slave states