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The powers of the judicial branch are contained in Article III of the Constitution, but those powers are not over the executive branch...they are separate from the powers of the legislative and executive branches.

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Q: Where does it say in the constitution what powers the judicial branch has over the executive branch?
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In what part of the constitution are the executive powers described?

Each of these branches has a distinct and essential role in the function of the government, and they were established in Articles 1 (legislative), 2 (executive) and 3 (judicial) of the U.S. Constitution.

Which part of the constitution establishes the doctrine of separation of powers?

Articles I, II and III. Article I establishes the powers of the legislative branch. Article II establishes the powers of the executive branch. Article III establishes the powers of the judicial branch. Together these three articles establish what we call the separation of powers.

What article deals with legislative power?

The Constitution of the United States of America is made up of a preamble and seven articles. It is the first article that defines the powers and limits of the Legislative branch of the government. The second article of the Constitution defines the powers of the Executive branch of government, and the third article of the Constitution defines the powers of the Judicial branch of government.

Powers maintained by the executive branch over the legislative and judicial branches include?

The executive branch of government has the power to veto bills proposed by the legislative branch. The executive branch of government has the power to overturn laws and rulings made within the judicial branch of government as well!

What are executive powers?

Executive powers are outlined in the Constitution. The executive branch of the government executes the law and has sole responsibility and authority for the administration of the country.

Related questions

What is a power that the executive branch has over the judicial branch and where can it be found?

The Powers to Tax and to Declare War are held by the Legislative Branch, exclusively as well as the Power to Impeach the president or vice president. These powers can be found in Article One of the United States Constitution.

Which article of the Constitution details the powers of the Judicial Branch?

Article 111 discusses the powers of the Judicial Branch in the Constitution.

How can the judicial branch challenge the powers of the legislative and executive branch?

The Judicial branch has what is known as Judicial Review, which means the Judicial Branch may invalidate laws made by the Legislative branch and executive orders made by the Executive branch that it determines is unconstitutional.

Who has the law-making powers?

The Legislative Branch. The Executive Branch can either pass them or veto them, and the Judicial Branch checks that the laws abide by the rules set by the Constitution.

Judicial power over executive?

According to the US Constitution, the powers of the Judicial are equal to that of the Executive.

In what part of the constitution are the executive powers described?

Each of these branches has a distinct and essential role in the function of the government, and they were established in Articles 1 (legislative), 2 (executive) and 3 (judicial) of the U.S. Constitution.

Where in the constitution does it state what powers do the judicial branch hold over the legislative branch?

Article 3 describes the powers of the judicial branch.

What was the legislative not supposed to do in the constitution?

In general, the doctrine of separation of powers holds that the legislative branch cannot unduly (i.e., unconstitutionally) intrude upon the executive branch or the judicial branch.

What are three powers of the president in the constitution?

legislative, judicial, executive

How can the judicial branch check the powers of the legislative and executive branches?

The judicial branch has powers to interpret laws, or regulations or other actions of the executive branch, or to declare them unconstitutional. It serves as a "check" on the executive by having the power to interpret the law differently than the executive, and having that interpretation supercede the interpretation of the executive branch. In addition, the judicial branch resolves disputes between the executive branch and citizens or businesses, providing a "check" on any excesses of the executive branch.

How can the executive branch check the powers of the judicial and legislative branches?

The judicial branch has powers to interpret laws, or regulations or other actions of the executive branch, or to declare them unconstitutional. It serves as a "check" on the executive by having the power to interpret the law differently than the executive, and having that interpretation supercede the interpretation of the executive branch. In addition, the judicial branch resolves disputes between the executive branch and citizens or businesses, providing a "check" on any excesses of the executive branch.

How can the judicial branch check the powers of executive and legislative branches?

The judicial branch has powers to interpret laws, or regulations or other actions of the executive branch, or to declare them unconstitutional. It serves as a "check" on the executive by having the power to interpret the law differently than the executive, and having that interpretation supercede the interpretation of the executive branch. In addition, the judicial branch resolves disputes between the executive branch and citizens or businesses, providing a "check" on any excesses of the executive branch.