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Clean Air Act

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Alex H

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Q: Which Act outlines regulations to control smoke and other forms of pollution from various sources whether stationary or in motion?
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What is the full form of CPCB?

The full form of CPCB is Central Pollution Control Board. It is an organization in India responsible for implementing environmental laws and regulations to control and prevent pollution.

What is national pollution control commission?

The National Pollution Control Commission is a government agency responsible for regulating and overseeing activities related to pollution control in a country. It sets guidelines, monitors pollution levels, enforces regulations, and works towards reducing environmental pollution for the protection of human health and the environment.

What type of pollution is easiest to control?

Point source pollution is typically easier to control compared to non-point source pollution. Point source pollution originates from specific, identifiable sources like factories or sewage treatment plants, making it more straightforward to regulate and manage through practices such as installation of control technologies or enforcement of regulations.

What is mean by pollution under control?

These days we r facing the problem or can say major problem of pollution. To keeping control on pollution is basicaly called "POLUTION UNDER CONTROL" there is many sources of pollution one of them is gases emmerging from cars. to control the pollution by cars the test of PUC has to b done on car.

What is the duties and responsibility of a pollution control officer?

A pollution control officer is responsible for developing, implementing, and enforcing policies and programs to monitor and control pollution levels in the environment. They also conduct inspections, investigate complaints, and ensure compliance with environmental regulations and standards. Additionally, they may provide training and outreach to educate the public and industry on pollution prevention and control measures.

What are three types of pollution?

The types of pollution are 1 Air Pollution. (It needs air pollution control ) 2 Water Pollution. (It needs water pollution control ) 3 Noise Pollution (It needs noise pollution control ) 4 Environmental Pollution (It needsenvironmental pollution control ) 5 Soil Pollution (It needs soil pollution control ) 6 Gaseous Pollution (It needs gaseous pollution control )

What are the different types of types of pollutions?

Pollution is of various types, and It needs different type of Pollution control1 Air Pollution. (It needs air pollution control2 Water Pollution. (It needs water pollution control )3 Noise Pollution (It needs noise pollution control )4 Environmental Pollution (It needs environmental pollution control )5 Soil Pollution (It needs soil pollution control )6 Gaseous Pollution (It needs gaseous pollution control )

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When was Maharashtra Pollution Control Board created?

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board was created in 1971 under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.

What steps are being taken by the US government to control water pollution?

The US government has set out rules and regulations that inform disposal of industrial wastes as a way of preventing pollution. The government also encourages good practices amongst members of the public in order to ensure water pollution is contained.

How load shedding saves pollution?

Control the pollution

Can you get a job with a diploma in pollution control from the open university?

Environment & Pollution Control job in ranchi