The Federal Election Commission monitors campaign financing and maintains all financial reports. The agency maintains a website with a lot of online information regarding House, Senate, and Presidential campaigns. There is also an agency known as "" that provides extensive information about campaign finance. Using the attached website link you can access a number of federal election related links. Also attached is a website link that provides election related information by state and county.
The Federal Election Commission.
office of legislative affairs
office of management and budget
The Congressional standing committees checks the powers of the Executive Branch through its Congressional Oversight. It reviews, monitors, and supervises federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation.
1. Chief of State-Ceremonial leader of the government and symbol of nation.2. Chief Executive- Pretty much administrator of country and gives people jobs.3. Chief Diplomat- formulates foreign policy4. Commander-in-chief- The United States military is run by a non-military official, a citizen's army.5.Chief lawmaker- creates public policy6. chief of party- obvious7.chief citizen- represents all citizens, moral leader
Enviornmental Protection Agency
If by "monitors traffic" you mean "enforces traffic laws", it's generally the state Highway Patrol. If you really mean "monitors" (in the sense of "obtains information on average speeds"), if anyone's doing that it's probably the state's Department of Transportation.
Unfortunately, there is no information about the Lade company. There is however, an Arabic website called the Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections (LADE). The association monitors elections to make sure that they are fair.
There are a wide range of requirements for carbon dioxide monitors in the United States. Twenty five states have legislation calling for carbon dioxide monitors in residential buildings. In addition, local building codes may also require them in new housing builds. New legislation can add additional statues so it is advisable to check with local authorities to ensure compliance with any and all requirements.
The Federal Election Commission.
There are: CRT monitors (those fat monitors) and LCD monitors (flat screens)
No but there is in LCD monitors.
computer monitors
16 monitors !!
They are called CRT monitors