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The Cabinet position of Attorney General was established by an Act of Congress.

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Q: Which cabinet position was established by an act of congress?
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What cabinet position established by an act of Congress?

The United States Attorney General is a cabinet position that was established by an act of Congress. The Judiciary Act was passed in 1789.

Which cabinet was establish by an act of congress?

The Cabinet position of Attorney General was established by an Act of Congress.

Which cabinet position was established by and act of congress?

Nova net: attorney general

Which cabinet position was established by anact of congress?

Yes, Cabinet departments must be created by Congress. The Secretaries of each Department are appointed by the President but must be confirmed by majority vote of the Senate. Although creation of the Department must be approved by both houses of Congress, the appointment of the Secretaries are approved only by the Senate. The House of Representatives has no role in the confirmation process.Novanet: Attorney General.

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The act of congress that established the JROTC Program is the National Defense Act of 1916.

What act of Congress established a federal court system?

The Judiciary Act of 1789

What was the last cabinet position created?

In the United States, the members of the presidential cabinet head various departments that deal with important factors affecting society. The most recent cabinet position to be created was the Secretary of Homeland Security, which was established by the Homeland Security Act in 2002.

When was department of treasury founded?

It was established by an Act of Congress in 1789.

What was established by Congress on March 3 1865?

The Freedman's Bureau Act

How did the US Marine Corps become established?

It was established by an act of the Continental Congress on 10 November 1775.

What is the most recent cabinet position to be created?

homeland security, in 2002

When did West Point become a college?

The school was established by an act of Congress in 1802.