The middle class
Several times, John Ball was caught performing rebels' actions, and bringing others to join him. The last time John Ball was put in prison was because he was found performing treason to the English Law and was caught creating a group of rebels to overthrow the Lord. John Ball was unhappy with the law, and the last time he was put in prison, it was a life-sentence. However, John Ball was able to escape the filthy prison he was living in, and continue to rive up the rebellion against the English government. After the Peasants' Rebellion failed, John Ball was caught, hanged, drawn, and quartered. Rebellions against the English government was continued on from then, and John Ball has inspired many others to question and rebel against the English Law. -By Claire Loyaldo
They can vote in a closed primary.
People join political parties for many of reasons. They join to push their own personal agendas and to see there own ideals been expressed.
William Samuel Johnson was allowed to join the constitutional convention because people respected him and he had influence on some of the other members. He was recommended by other friends to join.
He joined the Nation of Islam while in prison.
he was received by his brother how was a follower of Elijah Muhammad in prison. Malcolm took on the virtue of knowledge and when he got out of prision in 1952 he went to find Elijah Muhammad and joined the Nation.
Malcolm x meat him in 1867
You don't "join," you are asked.
someone who makes a decision to be part of a group but then decides to "hp the fence" and join another group while the betray he first group
Macduff and Malcolm plan to overthrow Macbeth in England.
By not committing to join Macduff in overthrowing Macbeth, Malcolm gains the opportunity to test Macduff's loyalty and dedication to the cause. It also allows Malcolm to assess Macduff's character and leadership abilities before fully trusting him in the rebellion against Macbeth.
I'm not just because who wants to become a prison officer?
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Nelson Mandela did not join 666. His prison number had 666 in it, which he had no control of.
he has just later rejoined with the group, but frank and bob have gone for a lil while
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