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ii think its the senate

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The Senate.

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The senate

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Q: Which legislature body has an equal number of representatives from each state?
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What was the great compromise state about representation in the house of representatives and the senate?

The number of representatives in the House of Representatives for each state depends on the states population. During the Constitutional Congress in 1787, delegates proposed different methods of calculating this number. The final two plans were the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. Each plan had a different way to control the states. The Virginia plan was to have the number of representatives be based on population, while the New Jersey plan was to have the same number of representatives for each state, regardless of population. Since there was the delegates couldn't agree on which method to use, Roger Sherman suggested the Great Compromise, which helped settle this argument/problem. One legislature, the House of Representatives, is based on population. The other legislature, the Senate, is made up of two people from each state.

Why did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 agreed to create a bicameral legislature?

The framers agreed to create the United States Senate and House of Representatives as a compromise. During the Constitutional Convention, framers disagreed on whether or not the legislative branch of government should represent the states equally or based on population. As such, the Senate has an equal number of 2 representatives for each state, and the House of Representatives has a certain number of representatives for each state depending on population.

A state's population determines the members in this legislature branch?

House of Representatives.

What type of legislature has two branches?

A legislature with two branches is a legislature that consists of two groups, both of which must agree before a law can be passed. The US Congress is an example of a Legislative assembly with two branches. One branch, or house, is the US Senate; the other is the US House of Representatives.

What two things determine how many electoral votes a state gets?

The number of Representatives and Senators of the state combined.

Related questions

How did the great compromise resolve the issue of representation in the legislature?

The Great Compromise solved the problem of representation in the legislature. According to the compromise, the House of Representatives would be based on state population. But each state would have an equal number of votes in the senate.

How is the number of the representatives each state has determined?

The structure of each state's legislature is determined by that state's constitution.

What is Maine's number of representatives?

Two in the US House and 151 in the State Legislature.

How is the number of house of representatives each state has determined?

The structure of each state's legislature is determined by that state's constitution.

How many representatives are in the state legislature?

The state legislature has 151 state represntatives and 35 state senators. (In the US Congress, the state has 2 Senators and 2 Representatives.)

What is a bicomercial legislature?

You mean bicameral legislature, and it is a two house system of representation being the house of representatives (the number of representatives here are based on a states population) and the senate (in which every state gets two representatives).

Do state representatives also serve at the federal level?

No. State representatives serve in their State Legislature.

Is your 1st district representative Barack Obama?

No, he is your president. Depending on where you live, your state has a certain number of state and federal representatives. The state representatives meet at your state's legislature: for example, in Massachusetts, the state representatives do their work at the State House in Boston. But the federal representatives meet in congress, in the House of Representatives in Washington DC.

Is it true each states electoral college equal the number of representatives that state has in Congress?

The number of electoral votes that a state has is equal to the number of Representatives and Senators for that state. The total equals 435 for the house of Representatives and 100 for the Senate plus three for the District of Columbia.

What was the great compromise state about representation in the house of representatives and the senate?

The number of representatives in the House of Representatives for each state depends on the states population. During the Constitutional Congress in 1787, delegates proposed different methods of calculating this number. The final two plans were the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. Each plan had a different way to control the states. The Virginia plan was to have the number of representatives be based on population, while the New Jersey plan was to have the same number of representatives for each state, regardless of population. Since there was the delegates couldn't agree on which method to use, Roger Sherman suggested the Great Compromise, which helped settle this argument/problem. One legislature, the House of Representatives, is based on population. The other legislature, the Senate, is made up of two people from each state.

Why was the great comprimise so important?

It granted every state equal rights to 2 representatives to the Senate, while giving states with higher populations more representatives in the legislature.

There are how many senators in US?

There are 2 senators in Ohio, as in every other state. Ohio has 16 representatives in the US House, where the number of representatives differs from state to state. The Ohio State legislature has 33 state senators.