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the successful party was the democrats party because hoover was doing a bad job with the Great depression so Franklin Roosevelt promised he would do a better job so he is now president

by chase.s

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The Democrats were the most successful party in 1932.

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Q: Which party was more successful in the 1932 elections?
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In recent elections women compared to men have been more likely to vote for presidential candidates from which party?


What does it mean to say that the two major parties are more election oriented than issue oriented?

Election-oriented means that a party is focused on getting elected for an office. Issue-oriented means that a party is more focused on a certain political issue. So saying that the major parties are more election-oriented means that they put their efforts into getting candidates from their party elected, not just getting the public focused on an issue.

Are federalists republican or democratic?

In a way, neither. The federalist party shared a fair amount of the "common good's" ordeals shared by the modern Democratic party. However, after the elections in the early 1800s and after President Adams' term, the Federalist party began to fade away, leaving only past members there, which was very few. To simplify: more modern democratic than modern republican in serving ALL people.

In general more of the electorate votes?

I found your question hard to understand, so I may not have answered it. More people vote in the presidential election years than in the off-year Congressional elections.

Which type of minor party has been most successful in winning votes?

Theodore Roosevelt's Progressive (aka Bull Moose) party was by-far the most successful third party. They won more votes in 1912 than the Republicans did. However, they only lasted for that one election so their overall success can be questioned. The American Party (Know-Nothings) lasted about 15 years, won some seats in Congress and may have tipped the 1848 presidential election to Taylor. The Republicans started out as a third party but soon became a major party.

Related questions

Which party was more sucessful in the 1932 elections?

The Democratic Party was more successful in the 1932 elections. Its candidate, Franklin D. Roosevelt, won the presidential election by a wide margin, defeating the incumbent Republican President Herbert Hoover. The Democrats also gained a significant majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

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What party won more than twice as many presidential elections?

I think the answer to that is Republicans.

Why do we have elections?

We have elections because its time for the people To vote in a new or old president, mayor, and even more

In recent elections women compared to men have been more likely to vote for presidential candidates from which party?


What is a characteristic of a weakened political party?

there are more independent voters and people are now more educated to the corrupt nature of parties

Did people vote for Hitler as their leader?

Yes they did. In the 1933 elections, Hitler's NSDAP party got more than 43% of the votes, making his party the biggest in Germany by far.

Who did the Nazis appeal to?

The party's rise to power was rapid. Before the economic depression struck, the Nazis were practically unknown, winning only 3 percent of the vote to the Reichstag (German parliament) in elections in 1924. In the 1932 elections, the Nazis won 37 percent of the votes, more than any other party. In January 1933 Hitler was appointed chancellor, the head of the German government, and many Germans believed that they had found a savior for their nation

What does the national committee of each party do between presidential elections?

raises cash for candidates,provides pr support n more

Which party has been on the ballot in all 50 states in recent presidential elections without gaining more than 1 percent of the vote?


What was the urban political machine?

The urban political machines were no more than a political party organized on the grassroots level. They exsisted to win elections and reward its followers with jobs on the city's pallroll. The urban political machines were no more than a political party organized on the grassroots level. They exsisted to win elections and reward its followers with jobs on the city's pallroll.

According to laws What a party or a candidate cannot do during elections?

A party or candidate is required to obey all laws that apply to them during the election. If you are asking about election regulations and campaign contributions, you'd have to be more specific.