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Q: Which philosophical theory affirms that an idea is true if it works or solves a problem?
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What philosophical theory affirms that an idea is true if it works or solves a problem?


WHAT IS the term for the philosophical theory of knowledge?

The term for the philosophical theory of knowledge is epistemology. It deals with the nature, scope, and limitations of knowledge.

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The philosophical theory of eternity is the idea that time is a constant and unchanging aspect of reality. It suggests that past, present, and future all exist simultaneously, rather than time being a linear progression. This theory considers eternity to be a higher, unchanging reality beyond our temporal experience.

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Definition of philosophical research?

Philosophical research can best be defined as the systematic search for proof of existence. Some methods of philosophical research are: historic, interview, grounded theory, action, and case study.

What are the philosophical assumptions of a theory?

Philosophical assumption are not theory. In a quantitative research paper there are three main component to consider. The philosophical assumptions, theoretical framework, and the the type of qualitative approach your about to use in your research. Hence, philosophical assumption are best known for the writers basis of believes and feeling. For example, if the writer has their value influence the study then it is called axiology philosophical assumption. This would help them conclude their study based on their background and knowledge.Daathry

What is pragmatism theory?

Pragmatism is a philosophical theory that holds that the truth or meaning of an idea is determined by its practical consequences and effects when put into action. It emphasizes practical outcomes over abstract theory, and focuses on problem-solving and adapting to changing circumstances. Key proponents of pragmatism include William James and John Dewey.