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The Great Compromise (also known as the Connecticut Compromise) settled the debate over state representation in Congress.

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Great Compromise.

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The great compromise. Your'e welcome.

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Q: Which plan settled the debate over state representation in Congress?
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How often does representation change in congress?

The population of a state really affects the representation in Congress. In fact, change in represention all depends on the population. So, to answer your question, every time there is a big change in the population that is when the representation changes.

The Virginia plan proposed that representation in congress be based on?

Representation should be determined by population. While the New Jersey plan proposed representation would be equal for all states. :)

How did the great compromise solve the problem of the representation in congress?

It solved the problem of representation in congress because the house of representatives was based on proportional representation (# of representatives based on population) which made the larger states happy and the Senate was based on equal representation (each state got two representatives) which made the small states happy. So each state was represented.

What Southern states felt that representation should be based on the number of?

Northern states felt that representation in Congress should be based on the number of free people. Southern states believed that representation should be based on total population, which included slaves.

The Great worked out how representation in congress would be determined?

The Great Compromise stated that representation in the House of Representatives should be determined through population. While the Senate would have an equal number of representatives from each state, the House of Representatives would include one representative for each 30,000 individuals in a state.

Related questions

What plan settled the debate over state representation in congess?

the great compromise

The Great Compromise settled which key issue at the Constitutional Convention?

The Great Compromise settled the dispute of state representation in the U.S. Congress. It was decided that representation in the U.S. House of Representatives would be proportional to population, while representation in the U.S. Senate would be equal among all states.

What solved the problem of how states would be represented in congress?

how was the constitutional convention of state representation settled

What controversy was settled by the great compromise?

The Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, solved the issue of how the states were represented in congress. Resolved in the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the Great Compromise solved the problem of representation for smaller states by having Congress have two senators for the Senate and proportional representation in the House of Representatives, based on population of the state.

The Great Compromise settled the issue of representation in Congress by allowing?

each state two Senators and a number of Representatives that depended on its population.

The most serious disagreement in the debate between large and small states at the Constitutional Convention was the issue of?

The most serious disagreement in the debate between large and small states at the Constitutional Convention was the issue of representation. Small states feared that their voices would be lost if representatives were chosen based on population, while big states didn't think it was fair that the small states would have as much influence as they had.

How did the great compromise resolved representation issues in the legislature?

The Great Compromise settled the method of representation in the legislativebranch (the US Congress). Small states wanted equal representation(equality by state), and large states wanted representationbased on population (equality by vote). ... In the House of Representatives, representation was based on population.

What is representation by population?

Representation by population is the idea that the number of representatives your state has is dependent on the amount of people in the state.

What state wanted equal representation in congress?


How did the great compromise resolve issues in the legislature?

The Great Compromise settled the method of representation in the legislativebranch (the US Congress). Small states wanted equal representation(equality by state), and large states wanted representationbased on population (equality by vote). ... In the House of Representatives, representation was based on population.

How did The Missouri Compromise temporarily settled the debate over slavery?

The Missouri Compromise temporarily settled the debate over slavery by allowing Missouri enter the Union as a slave state. Maine was allowed to enter the Union as a free state.

The house of congress at which representation is based on congress?

There are two parts of Congress: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Representation in the Senate is independent of population; therefore all states get the same amount of representation (2 Senators per state). Representation in the House of Representatives is dependent on population, which means that there is a different amount of representatives representing each state.