The use of block grants to encourage the states to assist the federal government in achieving certain goals originated with the Lyndon Johnson administration (1963-1969). His successor, Richard Nixon, used this method (often referred to as the "New Federalism") more extensively. This has been seen by some as bribery (promising states grants of money to enact certain legislation) or blackmail (threatening to withhold block grants to states which did not comply with federal policy goals). In the 1970's, states were encouraged to set specific speed limits on Interstate highways by threatening to withhold grants for highway construction. Most states complied, though several western states refused.
The federal government, in the United States, includes the President, Vice-President, Congress executive departments, etc. that represent the entire nation. Power to the federal government gives these branches authority, superseding the authority of state or local government.
The federal government is separated into three parts: the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The legislative branch is further split into two more parts, the Senate and the House of Representatives. There is no one entity in control of the federal government.
The President. (I'm not sure if this is right)
the structure of the federal government
In establishing a federal system of government, the framers hoped to achieve a system whereby power in the country would be shared between the national government and state governments. Opinions vary regarding how successful this has been.
Zivko Budimir is the President of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Federal Government.
A federal government like that of the USA
Mirsad Kebo is the Vice President of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Federal Government.
The executive branch of the US government is headed by the President.
The president is the leader of the executive branch of the federal government. The analogous position in a state government is a state government.
The head of the federal government is the president.
The executive branch of the US government is headed by the President.
federal government
The President of the United States!!
the president
No- not from the federal government.