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Articles IV and VI describe the relationship.

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Q: Which two articles describe the relationship between the federal government and the States?
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What is the relationship between government and individuals?

the relationship between a government and individuals is the they work together to make a country,state, or city

How does the relationship between the federal government and state governments differ from the relationship between state and local governments?

the relationship between the federal government and state governments is specifically laid out in the constitution

What does the declaration suggest is the relationship between a government and the people it governs?

The American Declaration of Independence not only suggests a particular relationship between government and governed; it out rightly declares what that relationship is or, rather, should be. Fundamentally, the relationship is consensual; that is, government rules over the governed only by the consent of those who are governed.

What type of power relationship prevailed between the national government and the states between 1789 and 1932?

dual federalism

Why did Americans want a stronger government than the one created by the Articles of Confederation?

Americans wanted a stronger government than the Articles of Confederation provided for a number of reasons. The Articles of Confederation lacked the necessary powers to govern effectively leaving it unable to enforce laws collect taxes or provide for a unified military. The Articles of Confederation also did not have any means of resolving disputes between the states. Furthermore the Articles of Confederation did not have a strong executive branch and could not create a unified currency. Finally the Articles of Confederation did not allow for the direct participation of citizens in the government and it was difficult to amend the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation lacked the necessary powers to govern effectively leaving it unable to enforce laws collect taxes or provide for a unified military. The Articles of Confederation did not have any means of resolving disputes between the states. The Articles of Confederation did not have a strong executive branch and could not create a unified currency. The Articles of Confederation did not allow for the direct participation of citizens in the government and it was difficult to amend the Articles of Confederation.These shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation led Americans to seek a stronger more effective government that could better meet the needs of the nation.

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Which two articles describe the relationship between the federal government and states?

Article I and article lll

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What was the biggest change from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution?

The biggest change from the Articles of Confederation was the creation of a stronger federal government. The Constitution created an executive and judicial branch.

What is the main idea behind articles IV of the constitution?

In Article V of the Constitution, rules for the relationship between states and the federal government are discussed. It also lays out rules between states.

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A close relationship between business and government

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What is the relationship between government and individuals?

the relationship between a government and individuals is the they work together to make a country,state, or city

How can you describe the relationship between the variables?

You can describe it using words or in graph form.

What is the relationship between state and local government in Nigeria?

The relationship is that the state government help in funding the local government