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Q: Who began to rebel against their English king when laws were enacted to force conformity to the Church of England?
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What kind of government existed after the English Bill of Rights?

The English Bill of Rights was enacted by Parliament in 1689 under William & Mary. The monarchy of England existed before and after the Bill of Rights was enacted, but it put limitations on monarchical power, similar to Magna Carta in 1215. The previous king, James II, was a firm absolutist, and was soon overthrown by William & Mary. The English Bill of Rights was a enacted so that an absolute monarchy could never be put into place again.

What law did the English Parliament enact to control the Trade Triangle?

the Englishæ Parliment enacted the Navigation act of 1651. Stating that all goods that arrived on England or theæcolonies must arrive in english ships.æFor more information about the act of the english parliment go to

How do you put nonimportation into a sentence?

Non-importation is a law against importing certain goods from another country, similar to a trade embargo. An example of it used in a sentence would be: The colonists enacted a non-importation law against England in the hopes that England would suffer economically and be more inclined to negotiate with the colonists.

What year was the English bill of rights created?

The English Bill of Rights was enacted in sixteen eighty nine. It is also known as The Bill of Rights Act of sixteen eighty nine and was enacted under the English Monarchs, William III and Mary II.

The slogan no taxation without representation referred to taxes enacted by?

the English parliament

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Why were southern states against the higher tariffs enacted by Congress? It would make it more difficult to export crops. It would give northern farmers an economic advantage.

Who is idea was the Act of Union?

James Which Act of Union- that of England and Wales or England and Scotland? If the former, then this was enacted by King Henry VIII in 1536.

Why did borders in North America change?

mistakes by surveyors and laws enacted by King George of England

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blue laws.

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When did Wales join England?

The principality was brought under English control in 1284 when the Statute of Rhuddlan was enacted, the remaining Welsh territory was administered under the Marcher Lords until the Laws in Wales acts of 1536 (and 1542) were passed making England and Wales a single legal state. Sometimes referred to as the Act of Union between England and Wales similar to the Scottish/English Act although the naming of it as such is unofficial and didn't occur until the 20th century.

What are the disadvantages of the government relying on the leaders of England to make the decisions for Australia?

During Australia's colonial years, England still made the decisions on behalf of Australia. The main disadvantage of this was that English leaders did not understand the conditions in Australia. England did not understand the different social circumstances of the early colony, so could not possibly understand the political and economic ramifications of any legislation it passed which would be enacted in Australia.