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Because Confucius lived in a time that predated the printing press, much of his writings were passed on through oral tradition. Literacy was also not as common as it is today.

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Q: Who collected writings of Confucius?
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The collected sayings and conversations of Confucius are?

The collected writings of Confucius are Analects.

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Who was Confucius?

Confucius was perhaps the greatest ancint Chinese philosopher. His writings are still read in today's world.

What did Confucius study for?

Confucius didn't study for a job, he studied writings from the past and tried to work out a better way for people to live and for rulers to govern.

Who was Confucius and what makes him so important?

Confucius is the founder of Confucianism. Confucianism is a religion (some argue it's a philosophy) strongly followed in China. Confucius is famous for his writings and also his effect on the ancient Chinese government.

What did Confucius studied for what job?

Confucius didn't study for a job, he studied writings from the past and tried to work out a better way for people to live and for rulers to govern.

What is Confucianism based on?

It is based on the writings and philosophy of Confucius (Kung-fu-tzu)

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me not now

Why is Confucius so great?

Confucius (or Kung Fu Tse in a less anglicized form of the name) composed many wise sayings, which have been collected in a book called the I Ching, and which form the basis of the religion of Confucianism.

What does k'ung fu tzu's writings deal with?

Kong Fuzi is the Chinese name of Confucius, the founder of Confucianism. His writings deal with proper ways to run the government, cultivate the self, and respect rulers, elders, and ancestors.

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