

Who conquered Gaul?

Updated: 8/20/2023
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8y ago

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Julius Caesar conquered the biggest part of Gaul in his Gallic Wars which lasted from 58 BC to 50 BC. Prior to this the Romans had already annexed the south of France, which they called Gallia Narnonensis, after its provincial capital, Narbonne. Gaul also included Belgium and Luxembourg. Caesar's conquests were then divided into three Roman provinces: Gallia Aqutania (in the south-west), Gallia Lugdunensis (in central France and part of northern France) and Gallia Belgica (Belgium and part of northern France).

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This was one of the conquests of Julius Caesar.

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Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.Cesar conquered Gaul and won the civil war against Pompey. Cleopatra never conquered anything.

Who was ancient Rome's general's name who conquered France?

Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.Julius Caesar was the Roman general who conquered Gaul. He began in 58 BC and the conquest was complete in 51 BC.

Who conquered gaul after the roman rule?

The Franks did.

Who were the Germanic peoles who conquered Gaul?


Who was the king of franks who conquered gaul?


Which was the Germanic people who conquered Gaul?

It was not until the Romans under Julius Caesar conquered Gaul that Gaul was controlled by one group--the Romans. Previously to this Gaul was a mixture of various tribes each having their own territory and allies.

Who conquered Gaul after serving as consul for a year during the roman empire era?

Julius Caesar conquered Gaul in the last years of the Republic. Your chronology is skewed.

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Julius Caesar conquered Gaul in his Gallic Wars (58-50 BC).

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Caesar conquered gual during the Gallic wars.

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Britain was conquered by the Romans. Gaul was conquered at the End of the Gallic Wars (58-50 BC). The conquest of Britain started in 43 AD.