In theory no, in practice, yes. Every emperor including Augustus, had advisers and intimates who consulted and helped with the rule. According to Syme, Augustus had Agrippa, Maecenas and Livia as part of his ruling counsel, which constituted an oligarchy.
A republic is a government where the people have elected or nominated a president. The people as well as the president have power together.
They would have consul it
Republic. A republic is a government in which the power is held by the people, who elect other people to represent them.
The Roman Republic was established in 509 BC when the Roman Monarchy was overthrown, and was itself overthrown in 27 BC as a result of the Civil War that followed the assasination of Julius Caesar. It was replaced by the Imperial government of Augustus Ceaser and his successors.
After the Roman republic ended, the government became a principate. This means that the ultimate power was in the hands one one man. Historians call him the emperor.
It is the idea of the power of veto.
used by senates and assosiates of the government
As the name "Roman Republic" suggests, it was a republic.
The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.
The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.
Please restate your question. The Roman republic was the government--there was only one.
The ancient Roman republic was, on paper, a government where power was shared. The Roman republic was about the best that could be accomplished at that juncture in human history. Their republic was full of faults, however, the "balance of power concept" was a model that could be reworked to attain a more advanced form of government. It could be developed into a system where where the people had a direct voice in how the government should operate. The offshoot of this was the US republic. Flawed as it was, it was a unique and progressive form of government.
because Romans have republic government.
Rome's government changed with the times. In a weaker phase of Roman development, they had kings. The Roman people overthrew the kings and formed a republic when they realized their power. The republic at first was the ideal form of government, but overtime became corrupt and after a series of civil wars, the Roman people were ready for a principate that incorporated the outward appearance of the republic but was in fact ruled by a single person.
Temporary dictatorship
The Roman Republic actually was a Democratic government.