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Barbara Bush

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Q: Who gave a speech to Wellesley College in 1990?
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Who gave a speech in wellesley college in 1990 and converted a potentially hostile?

Barbara Bush

Who gave a speech in wellesley college in 1990 and converted a potentially hostile audience?

Barbara Bush

Who gave a speech to Wellesley College in 1990 and successfully converted a potentially hostile audience?

Barbara Bush

Did Reagan go to Berlin?

At least twice that I know of. On June 12, 1987, he gave the "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate. A couple months before Reunification happened in October 1990, he returned and gave a speech at the Kongresshalle.

What very famous political figure gave his first public speech in decades on the balcony of Cape Town City Hall in 1990?

Nelson mandela

Who gave a speech in cape town in 1990?

Nelson Mandela, on the day of his release from prison on 11 February 1990, made his first speech to the nation from the steps of the city hall in Cape Town and said: "We call on our white compatriots to join us in the shaping of a new South Africa."

Who gave a famous speech in 1851?

it was Sojourner truth who gave a famous speech in 1851

Does David Boreanaz have a college degree?

Yes David graduated 1991 from Ithica College in Ithaca NY. he has a degree in cinema and photography. he also gave the commencement speech for the Ithica graduates of 2013

How do you say she gives a speech in the future?

She gave a speech.

Elizabeth gave a rousing speech to?

The Queen gave a rousing speech at Tilbury Fort to encourage her forces

What is a sentence for speech?

She delivered a powerful speech that moved the audience to tears.

What is the speech that Patrick Henry gave in 1775?

Treason speech.