The president,vice-president , all 435 representatives to the House and one-third of the senators are all elected on the same day. Some states also elect their governor and other state officials on that day.
well the vice president is elected in the same time and same period.
John Adams was elected president in 1796 and Thomas Jefferson was the new vice president.
James Garfield was a member of the House when he was elected president in 1880.( He was also elected to the senate at the same time, but refused that office to become President. )
[1] The last Democrat to be elected President was Bill Clinton, in 1991. [2] The most recently elected President, Barack Obama, is a Democrrat.
The President may only be re-elected one time, to serve two consecutive terms. ------------ Well, technically, a person may serve as many as 10 years as President. This can be accomplished if the vice president must finish the term of another president and the time remaining is equal to but less than 2 more years. At that point the sitting president can be elected two more times. Could you claim they were re-elected twice? That's up to the observer.
Yes he does. Whether a president is elected for the first time or re-elected for a second term, there is an inauguration ceremony, and at that time, the president and vice president are sworn in.
A president must resign his previous office before he becomes President. People can not hold two elected offices at the same time, as a rule.
John Adams was elected president in 1796 and Thomas Jefferson was the new vice president.
The vice president is elected at the same time that the president is elected, as stated by the 12th Amendment. So, every 4 years.
It was the end of the apartheid period and Nelson Mandela was elected as the first black president in South Africa
James Garfield was a member of the House when he was elected president in 1880.( He was also elected to the senate at the same time, but refused that office to become President. )
I am not quite sure what you are asking. The vice-president is elected in the same way and at the same time as the President. They run as a team. That is all they legally share.
For the first time in a period of forty years, the democrats lost control over the congress. Bill Clinton was elected president in 1993 and continued to hold the title till January 2001.
I am not quite sure what you want to know. The president and vice president are elected as a team at the same time and their terms expire at the same time. If the president leaves office before the end of his term, the vice-president becomes president.
Just the opposite. At the time, he was the oldest president ever elected.
1860 was the year that Lincoln was elected president for the first time. He was elected again in 1864.
The time was known as the Reconstruction period from 1865-1876 when Hayes was elected president he agreed to end reconstruction because the south wouldn't give in to any rights for African Americans.
Bill Clinton was re-elected as US President in 1996.