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The flying pig.

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Q: Who said A black man will be president when pigs fly?
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Will pigs fly?

Possibly, People said that there would be a black president when pigs fly. 100 days after president obama's inauguration, swine flu. Now where IS my steel umbrella? Oh there it is

Can pigs fly?

Of course pigs can fly. People said that there would be a black president when pigs fly. 100 days after president obama's inauguration, swine flu. Now where IS my steel umbrella?

Who said Pigs can't fly?

uhh, nobody they can fly!

What time of the year do pigs fly?

Pigs do not fly.

What is something pigs can not do?

Pigs cannot fly... Hence the saying "when pigs fly".

When pigs fly is what literary device?

"When pigs fly" is an example of an idiom.

How fast can pigs fly at?

The speed of mud.

Can pigs swim?

Can pigs fly

What is an example sentence for when pigs fly idiom?

When pigs fly i will own the apple companyWhen pigs fly hell will freezeWhen pigs fly i will be the richest man/woman in the worldThink of things that will NEVER happen in your life.

Why cant pigs fly and how can you test this?

pigs can't fly because nobody has put wings on them and taught them how to. ask a scientist about the how can you test this stuff, but i know that one day pigs will fly. so don't stop believing that pigs will fly, maby YOU will be the one to make pigs fly, who knows?

Is it possible for pigs to fly?

no it is scientifically proven that pigs cant and never will fly

Do potbelly pigs fly?

Nope. All species of pigs can't fly.