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Thomas Jefferson from Virginia served as the first Secretary of State.

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Q: Who served as the first secretary of state?
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Who was the secretary of under Washington?

Thomas Jefferson was the nation's first Secretary of State. Edmund Randolph and Timothy Pickering also served under Washington as Secretary of State. Prior to Jefferson's return to the U. S. from France, John Jay served as United States Secretary of Foreign Affairs from September 26, 1789 until March 22, 1790.

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Was Thomas Jefferson the first secretary of state?

Thomas Jefferson served as the first United States Secretary of State from 1789 to 1793 and was also the second vice president from 1797 to 1801.

Who was the serictary of state for George Washington?

During President George Washington's terms, he had two secretaries serving him. In 1794 Edmund Randolph served as Secretary of State, and in 1789, Thomas Jefferson served as Secretary of State.

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