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Highly educated people, Jews, Catholics, immigrants, city dwellers, and libertarians.

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Q: Who tended to be oponents of prohibition?
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Who tended to be suppoters of prohibition?

Protestants, rural residents, members of the KKK, very religious people, and opponents of immigration tended to support prohibition.

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What factors influence northeners to join the KKK?

Strong supporters of National Prohibition tended to join the KKK.

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Why did prohibition not work in cities and urban areas?

Prohibition faced challenges in cities and urban areas due to factors such as widespread noncompliance, limited enforcement resources, and the presence of underground speakeasies that facilitated the illegal sale of alcohol. The demand for alcohol remained high in these areas, leading to a thriving black market that undermined the effectiveness of the Prohibition laws.

How do you check mate your oponents in chess?

By placing them in check and they have no way to escape it.

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A pawn can take any oponents piece

Why do you suppose that alcohol related deaths increased during prohibition?

Because alcohol was illegal, it was not made carefully and with attention to quality. Also, people tended to drink heavily when they did obtain access to alcohol.

Prohibition did not work because?

It was impossible to enforce. Criminal element took over the industry, which lead to violence and corruption. Politicians, judges and local law enforcement were easily corrupted and tended to thwart the efforts of federal law enforcement officials. Many Americans did not believe in prohibition and/or the temperance movement.

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Who benefited the most from prohibition?

Women, Protestants, people with long ancestry in the US, the Ku Klux Klan, rural and small town residents, residents of the South, bootleggers and organized criminals, highly religious people, lower income people, and less educated people tended to support National Prohibition.

Which group did not support the movement for prohibition?

Many groups in America were opposed to prohibition. Irish, German-Americans, Italians, Greeks, Portuguese, Jews, urban dwellers, educated people, Catholics, organized labor, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), immigrants, libertarians, Constitutionalists, and many others opposed prohibition.