The first American colony to abolish slavery was Vermont. Vermont abolished slavery in 1777 and after this the abolish movement spread.
William Wilberforth?
The North South conflict in the United States of America was over slavery. The South wanted slavery and the North wanted to abolish slavery.
Yes. It was the first colony to abolish slavery.
The Confederacy did not want to abolish slavery. In fact, they wanted to expand slavery into the new territories of the US.
In the civil war the south wanted slavery. The North had machines and wanted to abolish slavery. ; )
Abolitionists wanted to abolish slavery.
The word abolitionist means a person that was against slavery. :)
The first American colony to abolish slavery was Vermont. Vermont abolished slavery in 1777 and after this the abolish movement spread.
He wanted to abolish slavery
William Wilberforth?
Yes. They wanted to abolish slavery.
Simple. They wanted to abolish slavery.
No, an abolitionist was someone who wanted to abolish, or get rid of, slavery.
Abolish slavery throughout the USA
Someone who wanted to abolish slavery, on the grounds that it was immoral.