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Merchants, lawyers and land owners made the middle class.

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Q: Who was 3 people who made up middle class?
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In what social class did farmers belong?

The lowest but largest groups in Egyptian society was made up of farmers and unskilled workers. Even though there were divisions in Egyptian class structures, ambitious people in the lower classes were able to improve their social position.

What salary range is considered middle class?

For middle class, believe it or not, it's about $35K - $45K a year.

Between March and October 1917 Russia's provisional government was made up of?

Russia's provisional government was made up of members of the middle class.

Who made up the silent majority of the Americans that President Richard Nixon claimed to represent?

your qus is really good i also think so gorgbet

Class structure in the Victorian era?

Victorian society can be split up into three classes: upper, middle, and lower. The upper class consisted of the nobility, or the peerage, such as dukes, earls, and viscounts. They were often related to the royal families of Britain and Europe, and their society was distinct and separate to the other two classes - certain expectations had to be met by everybody. Most of these 'aristocrats' did not have a profession, as their families had sufficient funds to live in affluence. However, many were captains of industry, especially mining and ship building. The middle class consisted of rich families who were respectable, but lacked a "title", such as a dukedom, and often had skilled professions, such as a doctor, or a teacher. At the beginning of the Victorian times, they were a small proportion of the population. However, the effects of the Industrial Revolution meant that more people could be defined as 'middle class', because of improvements in education and more opportunities to pull yourself out of the slums, and make a lot of money, of course. The lower class (working class) were made up of the rural and urban poor, who had often low skilled, dangerous, dirty and boring jobs (often all four) that they had to take because of the lack of education. A handful could actually be defined as 'lower middle class', but because they often lived in terraced housing areas, they were defined as working class. There was also a class below the working class - paupers. They lived in extreme poverty, often because of old age, unemployment, illness or strained resources. This class of people were the targets of Philanthropists in the 1890s, who wished to reduce the alarming rates of poverty in Britain.

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What were three social classes that divided the people in sumer?

The first class which was made up of Kings and Queens. The middle class which was made up of mostly farmers. The lower class which was made up of slaves.[If you was a slave you was one for your whole life was not let go] You want to add the part about the slaves

What type of people made up egypts middle class?

scribes, artisans, and merchants

What 3 types of people made up Egypt's lower class?

upper class, middle class, and lower class

In early civilization which group of people made up the middle class?

Merchants, traders, large farmers.

Who made up the middle class in the nineteenth century?

Doctors, lawyers, engineers, managers, social workers, architects, and teachers made up a growing middle class.

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What were the 3 social classes that divided the people in Sumer in Mesopotamia?

Land owners, free people who did not own land, and slaves

What were the three social that divided the people in Sumer?

The first class which was made up of Kings and Queens. The middle class which was made up of mostly farmers. The lower class which was made up of slaves.[If you was a slave you was one for your whole life was not let go] You want to add the part about the slaves

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Only middle-class people pay a real estate tax.B.Real estate taxes make up a large part of the expenses of most middle-class people. Middle-class people benefit the most from real estate taxes. There is no good reason -- it is a myth.

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Which was the largest class Aztec?

The middle class was the largest class in Aztec society. Members lived in modest houses made of adobe bricks. Farmers,artisans,merchants,and metal workers made up the middle class.