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The Act was meant to allow the people of each state to decide.

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Q: Who was allowed to decide if slavery was allowed during the kansas-nebraska act of 1854?
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Why was popular sovereignty so well-supported as a just and fair way to settle the slavery question?

Popular sovereignty was well supported because it allowed the local citizens of a territory to decide if slavery was to be allowed or illegal. Stephen A. Douglas pushed for popular sovereignty during the 1840's.

Did the north or south allow slavery?

During the Civil War era, it was the South that allowed slavery. They were known as the Confederates.

What position did Abraham Lincoln take on slavery during the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

Lincoln argued that it was wrong to decide whether to allow slavery in a state or territory by voting

What happened during the Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri Compromise revolved around slavery. It prohibited slavery in certain areas and allowed it in the state of Missouri.

What does popular sovereignty mean in regards to the spread of slavery into territories?

Popular sovereignty is the idea that the residents of a territory should have the right to decide for themselves whether to allow slavery. This concept was influential in the debate over the spread of slavery into new territories during the mid-19th century in the United States, particularly with the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 which allowed for popular sovereignty in those territories.

What Stephen Douglas believed that?

Stephen Douglas believed in the doctrine of popular sovereignty, which allowed residents of new territories to decide for themselves whether they wanted to allow slavery. He was a key figure in promoting this idea during the tumultuous time leading up to the Civil War in the United States.

During the Lincoln-Douglas debates which positions did Abraham Lincoln take?

Lincoln argued that it was wrong to decide whether to allow slavery in a state or territory by voting

Are you allowed to have children during slavery?

Yes, slaves were allowed to marry and have children, however their marriages were never recognized by their masters and the products of those marriages (children) could be sold without the consent of the parents.

If slavery was made illegal why did people still bring slaves into the US?

Slavery was made illegal by the 13th amendment during the civil war. Before slavery was made illegal people were still allowed to bring slaves into the country.

Was slavery allowed in Pennsylvania?

Slavery was allowed in Pennsylvania during the colonial period, but the state gradually began to restrict and eventually abolish slavery. In 1780, Pennsylvania passed the Gradual Abolition Act, which provided for the gradual emancipation of enslaved individuals, making Pennsylvania the first state in the U.S. to abolish slavery.

What position did Douglas take during the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

Lincoln argued that it was wrong to decide whether to allow slavery in a state or territory by voting

Was slavery legal in north during the civil war?

Slavery was not legal in the Northern states during the Civil War. The Northern states had already abolished slavery before the outbreak of the war, while the Southern states still allowed slavery. This stark division between free and slave states was one of the key factors leading to the Civil War.