The President who was on the thousand dollar bill was Grover Cleveland. The President on the five thousand dollar bill was James Madison.
President on $5,000 five thousand dollar bill: James Madison James Madison was featured on one dollar $1 coin.
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, is on the five-dollar bill.
I looked, the back of my five dollar bill isn't red, but thank you for aski g
The US has never issued a $2000 bill.
The President who was on the thousand dollar bill was Grover Cleveland. The President on the five thousand dollar bill was James Madison.
No you Ding-dong!
not a makable bill
There has never been a fifty thousand dollar bill. A ten thousand dollar bill with Salmon P. Chase on it was the highest.
President on $5,000 five thousand dollar bill: James Madison James Madison was featured on one dollar $1 coin.
A thousand dollar bill is almost the same color in likeness to a 1 dollar bill except for darker designs around the bill.
what is a 1934 thousand dollar bill worth
Abraham Lincoln is on the five dollar bill.
five thousand dollars
President on $1 one dollar bill: George Washington George Washington is also on quarter dollar coin President on $2 two dollar bill: Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson is also on the nickel (5 cent) coin President on $5 five dollar bill: Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln is also on the "penny" (one cent) Face on $10 Ten dollar bill: Alexander Hamilton. He was not a President. President on $20 twenty dollar bill: Andrew Jackson President on $50 fifty dollar bill: Ulysses S. Grant Face on $100 One hundred dollar bill: Benjamin Franklin. He was not a President. Benjamin Franklin is on half dollar coins minted from 1948 to 1963 The following denominations are no longer issued, and are only available from currency dealers: President on $500 five hundred dollar bill: William McKinley President on $1,000 one thousand dollar bill: Grover Cleveland President on $5,000 five thousand dollar bill: James Madison Face on $10,000 Ten thousand dollar bill: Salmon P. Chase. He was not a President President on $100,000 one hundred thousand dollar bill: Woodrow Wilson $1,000,000 dollar bill - does not exist - novelty/joke items only.
Abraham Lincoln is on the five dollar bill.
The 1,000 dollar bill was discontinued in 1964.