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Q: Who was someone who risked death to be free?
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What risk was taken by those who signed the declaration of independence?

The colonists risked being targeted by British Parliament, whom was often known for their cruel punishments in regards to treason.

Did Washington free his slaves?

yep. after his death he did. it was because he was starting to feel bad about the slave trade and all that.

What type of court deals with murder?

There are different categories of death. Therefore cases that involve a death may be heard in criminal or civil court depending on the circumstances. A case where a person died as a result of a car accident in which no one violated the law would be heard in civil court. A case in which someone purposely hit and killed someone with their car would be heard in criminal court.

What did give me liberty or give me death mean to patriots?

"Give me liberty or give me death" is a famous quotation from a speech made by Patrick Henry to the Virginia House of Burgesses. In part he said:Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!The speech was given March 23, 1775, at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia, and is credited with having single-handedly convinced the Virginia House of Burgesses to pass a resolution delivering the Virginia troops to the Revolutionary War. In attendance were Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. Reportedly, the crowd, upon hearing the speech, jumped up and shouted, "To Arms! To Arms!"

Why did the use of phalanx affect politics?

Aristocratic leaders risked losing the support of their army if they did not consider the interests of the phalanx. with some many city-states, great political variety characterized the Greek world

Related questions

Who was someone in history who risked death to be free?

Harriet Tubman

Who is someone now or in history who risked death in to be free?

Pactrick Henry

Who risked death to be free?

Patrick Henry

How do we get death?

When Death Ripper has free time to take someone life.

Which runaway slave risked many trips to free slaves?

harriet Tubman

What do you call someone who risked their life for others?

Many great people risked their lives for their beliefs. Such as mahatma gandhi, subhash chandra bose etc.

Is risked an adverb?

No, "risked" is not at adverb.The word "risked" is a verb and a noun.

What is past tense of 'risked'?

'Risked' is the past tense!

What was the writers risk of signing the declaration of independence?

He was committing treason since the colonies were still under British rule.

Who are the people that risked their life to be free?

In America those people where soldiers from the 13 colonies they consisted of merchants, and other ordinary people

What were battles like?

Battles are ugly things with risks and rewards all of their own. An Air Battle always risked a fiery death, a Naval Battle risked a watery grave, and a Land Battle while less memorialized consists of long hours of boredom, fear, shock and outrage.

What did the Berlin Wall symbolize to the world?

It symbolized the separation of Germany. The wall showed how people did not want to live under communism and risked death to escape to the West.