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Q: Who was surrounded by suspicion as secretary of the interior because he tried to remove forests and mineral reserves from the public lands and make them available for private development?
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What hindered the attempts to establish strong governments in post revolutionary America?

the revolutionary ideology that preached natural rights and suspicion of all governmental authority

What is the petticoat affair?

The Petticoat Affair involved Andrew Jackson, his Secretary of War John Eaton, and Eaton's second wife, Margaret O'Neill Timberlake Eaton. She was from the lower class, Irish and was raised in her father's Washington boarding house. From birth, she personally knew senators, congressman, ambassadors and supreme court judges. She felt she owned Washington and knew more about the government than anyone. When her first husband was at sea, she was seen everywhere in the company of John Eaton, a rich widower from Tennessee and was banned from society. When her husband died, she quickly married Eaton. When Jackson then made Eaton Secretary of War, Peggy became the second highest ranked woman in Washington society. The women of Washington shunned her, which caused the Petticoat Affair that lasted for two years and ended up with Jackson firing his entire cabinet, and the Sec of War chasing the Sec of the Treasury with loaded weapons and intent to kill. See "The Breath of Suspicion" on kindle. It's a well documented historical novel on the affair.

Howard zinn-how democratic is America summary?

Zinn discusses several points on which American government, as a democracy, is failing. he discusses, protection rights, economic access, etc. The key point in his essay that American government need be restructured. An extremely biased and opinionated essay primarily based on suspicion and hypothetical situations.

What impact did the second Red Scare have on American society?

It had a lot of impact. Americans lived in fear of Communist spies. Through this, many lost their jobs due to suspicion that they were Communists or friendly with Communists. People were investigated and an un-official blacklist ran through Hollywood as well as the radio and television industries. Stories about Communism ran through the newspapers and Communism became a subject for movies and television. The Second Red Scare caused Communism to be, well, everywhere.

What was the role of the FBI in the red scare?

The FBI would take those under suspicion of being involved with the Soviets for questioning. They would come up with blacklists and worked to expose possible traitors and communist sympathisers. Furthermore, the FBI were partly responsible for triggering the Hollywood Red scare (lasting from 1947-1951). The Hollywood Red Scare was a huge clampdown on the content within media (in other words, media censorship) as the Soviets/communists had purportedly 'infiltrated Hollywood' and were influencing American media and mass culture.

Related questions

Who was surrounded by suspicion as secretary of the interior because he tried to remove forest and mineral reserves from the public lands and make them available for private development?

Richard A. Ballinger

What are the release dates for Private Secretary - 1953 Suspicion 1-9?

Private Secretary - 1953 Suspicion 1-9 was released on: USA: 5 April 1953

What is a synonym for suspicion?

suspect is the answer of suspicion (:

What are the levels of suspicion?

no suspicion, mere suspicion (hunch), reasonable suspicion, probable cause, proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

What is a conversation technique used to discreetly gather information that is not readily available and do so without raising suspicion?


What is suspicion?

Articulabe suspicion is another term for reasonable suspicion. Reasonable suspicion is based on reasonable facts and can be used in arrests and warrants of a person in the United States.

What is articuable suspicion?

Articulabe suspicion is another term for reasonable suspicion. Reasonable suspicion is based on reasonable facts and can be used in arrests and warrants of a person in the United States.

What will be your grade if you score 21 out of 11?

You will probably fail on suspicion of cheating, if you turn in a score that's almost double the total available credit.

How do you use suspicion in asentence?

"Your under arrests on suspicion of murder".

Sentence for suspicion?

His suspicion grew when he heard the long and mysterious story .

What is the duration of Suspicion film?

The duration of Suspicion - film - is 1.65 hours.

What is the adjective that comes from suspicion?

The adjective for suspicion is suspicious.