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John James

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Yessenia Bashirian

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Q: Who was the chief justice of the US that said the Constitution and the federal government are under peoples authority?
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Americans wanted the government to be fair so the constitution had as it's purpose to establish?


Which government agency is responsible for enforcing national consumer protection laws?

justiceDepartment of Justice, Justice Department

What is a summary of the supremacy clause?

A supremacy clause allows the National Government to out do smaller levels of Government, in doing so can prevent unfair policies and a lack of justice in that form of Government that's all wrong.

What does the supremacy clause explain?

A supremancy clause allows the National Government to out do smaller levels of Government, in doing so can prevent unfair policies and a lack of justice in that form of Government that's all wrongSimply StatedThe Supremacy Clause makes invalid any law passed by a State or local government that is in conflict with a federal law. In other words, federal law is "supreme." Though that concept seems simple, it's application is not. So don't start throwing around the "supremacy clause" unless you understand how the courts apply it.The importance of the Supremacy clause is that it establishes that the Constitution and Federal Law are the absolute law of last resort in the United States. By that, it means that the Constitution or Federal Law will win in any conflict between it and any state or local law. Thus, all states are bound to the limits placed on them by the Constitution and federal law.In practice, here's what it means: no state or locality can pass a law which prohibits something expressly allowed by the Constitution or Federal law, nor may a state or locality allow something expressly forbidden by the Constitution or Federal law.

The leadership of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall resulted in?

Greater power for the federal government

Related questions

Who was the Chief Justice of the US who said the Constitution and federal government are under the people's authority?

John Marshall

Who was the chief justice of the US that said the Constitution and the federal government are under the people authority?

John James

Who was the chief justice of the US that said Constitution and the Federal government are under the people's authority?

John James

Who was the chief justice of the US that said the Constitution and the federal government are under the peoples authority?

John James

Does the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court have constitutional authority to veto a bill?

No. The US President, head of the Executive Branch of the federal government, has the exclusive power of veto, as assigned by Article II of the Constitution.

Can the federal government intervene and shut down medical marijuana dispensaries allowed by local governments?

The Federal government claims that it does have that power, although not everyone agrees. In 1920, an amendment to the Constitution was required to ban the consumption of alcohol; so far, no constitutional amendment banning marijuana has been enacted, meaning that from a strictly CONSTITUTIONAL perspective, the Federal government does NOT have the authority to ban pot.Of course, the Federal government does a LOT of things that the Constitution does not provide the authority for.Recently, the Justice Department has stated that they will no longer conduct raids on "medical marijuana" dispensaries that are operated in accordance with STATE laws.

Who is higher than a federal judge?

The Chief Justice of the United States (Supreme Court)has the most authority in Judicial Branch of government, but he is also a federal judge.

In the Federal Court system who has the authority to remove a Supreme Court justice from office?

No one within the federal judiciary has authority to remove a Supreme Court justice from office. The Constitution vested Congress with the power of impeachment, which is the only way a Supreme Court justice may be forcibly removed. For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Who is the Minister of Justice for Bosnia and Herzegovina's Federal Government?

Zoran Mikulic is the Minister of Justice for Bosnia and Herzegovina's Federal Government.

Was John Marshall in favor of the Constitution?

Absolutely. Marshall was a loyal federalist who strongly believed in the value of the Constitution. As Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, he helped ensure the Articles of the Constitution empowered the federal government.

Because americans wanted the government to be fair what purpose was written into the constitution-?

Establish justice was written into the constitution because americans wanted the government to be fair.

How does federalism affect the criminal justice system?

Federalism in the criminal justice system allows for a balance of power between the federal government and individual states. It gives each jurisdiction the ability to enforce their own set of laws, while also allowing federal agencies to investigate and prosecute crimes that fall under federal jurisdiction. This system can lead to variations in laws and sentencing across different states, as well as collaboration between federal and state authorities in addressing criminal activities.