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Dan Morales

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Q: Who was the first Hispanic elected to a statewide office in Texas?
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Related questions

Who was the first Texas Republican elected in a statewide vote in the last half of the twentieth century?

John Tower

What years are statewide offices in Texas such as the governor and lieutenant governor elected?

nonpresidential, or off-year, election years

How many minorities have been elected to the office of governor of Texas?


Where was first statewide police organization?

texas- the texas rangers

Who are the Texas rangers law enforcement agency?

The Texas rangers are the statewide law enforcement for the state of Texas, They have statewide jurisdictions and are the oldest law enforcement agency in North America.

Who are Texas' elected officials?

A listing of elected officials in Texas from the city to the governor's office can be found online at There is also a published book called the Texas State Directory

Who selects the lieutenant governor of Texas?

In a statewide election, which is separate from the Governor election. This means it is possible for the Governor and Lieutenant Governor to be from separate parties, which last happened during George W. Bush's first term.

How is a Texas Lieutenant Governor elected?

In a statewide election, which is separate from the Governor election. This means it is possible for the Governor and Lieutenant Governor to be from separate parties, which last happened during George W. Bush's first term.

What state in the us has the largest hispanic population Colorado Texas or New Mexico?

Texas has the largest Hispanic population among those states, with over 11 million Hispanics. Colorado and New Mexico have significantly smaller Hispanic populations in comparison.

Was James K. Polk really in for annexing Texas?

Polk campaigned in favor of annexing Texas; his opponent Clay came out against it. Texas was annexed after Polk was elected but before he took office.

What are some Hispanic foods that are eaten in Texas?

Enchiladas, tacos, burritos, and fried ice cream are popular Hispanic dishes that are available in Texas.

Why does Texas have Hispanic populations?

It is because texas was once part of Mexico