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  • the first foreign port to acknowledge the independence of the 13 colonies is the port of Spain
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Q: Who was the first foreign port to acknowledge the independence of the thirteen colonies?
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France (:

The foreign policy and foreign trade of the thirteen colonies was controlled by?


Who controlled the foreign trade and policy of the thirteen colonies?


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What was the Massachusetts committee of safety?

The Massachusetts committee of safety was created to protect the thirteen colonies from any foreign invasion. It was a committee created by the leaders of the thirteen colonies.

What foreign born singers signed the Declaration of Independence?

None all were born in the colonies.

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Because African Americans had never lived in America...they were foreign... The white people used them as slaves, because they thought lowly of them.

What does the committees of correspondence do?

The committees of correspondence were shadow governments organized by the Patriot leaders of the Thirteen Colonies on the eve of the American Revolution. These served an important role in the Revolution, by disseminating the colonial interpretation of British actions between the colonies and to foreign governments

What individual problems did the original 13 colonies face?

The Thirteen original colonies had a number of problems. First was currency, as a colony they used British currency. During the war, the printed Continental currency to pay for the war. However, after the war, states began printing their own currency, causing confusion and inconsistency. The Constitution moved to stop states from printing their own currency and coinage. Sovereign power to the Thirteen Original Colonies led to confusion, demagoguery, and inconsistencies, this is why the Articles of Confederation failed. There was no presiding power that could regulate trade between the original colonies, or their trade to foreign countries. There was no system of settling disputes between the Thirteen Original Colonies. There was no power to tax the states or people to support the new government, and the Thirteen Original Colonies had dissolved into complete economic disorganization.

Should Australia have a foreign legion?

That form of service was traditionally reserved for empires that had colonies: such as France, England, or Rome. No colonies? No need for a "foreign legion"!

What is large collection of foreign colonies called?

An Empire.

What was the Revolutanary War?

The Revoulutionary War was a war that was a fight for Independence for the first 13 colonies of America. The colonies wanted to break apart from Great Britan, they wanted to make their own laws. So they wrote the Declaration of Independence. Britan was angry at this and so the Revoulutionary War had begun. But it all started with high taxes from the king of Britan which led to the Boston tea party and then the Revoulutionary War. - A local fourth grader