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The person who won a U. S. Presidential Election with the lowest popular vote percentage was John Quincy Adams in 1824, who was the choice of the House of Representatives despite having received only 30.92% of the popular vote and 32.2% of the electoral votes.

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I think it was pretty much a tie between Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon.

Young people did not like LBJ's escalation of the war in Vietnam and Nixon earned the wrath of the young when he spread the war to Cambodia.

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Q: Who was the president that had the least popular vote?
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The president of the United States is elected by electoral vote.

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No, the vote for president is called the popular vote and that does not count. When you cast your vote for president, you are actually voting for the electors to vote for the president.

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You have to be at least 18 to vote for the president.

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You must be at least 18 years old to vote for a president of the US.

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