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The Speaker of the United House of Representatives would take charge if the President and Vice President would die. As of 2014, it would be John Boehner.

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The Speaker of the House.

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Q: Who would take charge if the president and vice president die?
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Who becomes presient if the president and vice paresident die?

The speaker of the house would take charge.

Who is the next person to take charge if the president can't do his duties?

The V.P. (vice president)

Who would be in charge of the executive branch if something happened to the President?

The Vice President

What would happen if the president died and not the vice president?

well then there would be a re-vote or the vice president would take over.

If the vise president died who would be president?

the president if the president AND vice president died, the speaker of the house (nancy polosi) would be in charge.

What happens if the president and the president and vice president are unable to serve out their terms?

The Speaker of the House becomes president if something happened to the president and vice president.

Who becomes president if he can not serve?

The Speaker of the House is the next in line to take the position of president. After the SOTH, the cabinet positions would take over in the order that they were created.

If the president die who would take over?

The Vice President.

What is deputy vice president?

Is a step above a vice president. Is next in charge to the president.

Who is the in charge of the senate?

The Vice President of the United States is in charge of the U.S. Senate.

Who would be in charge if president or vice president couldn't do it?

The Speaker of the House of Representatives is next in line after the VP.

If the US President died who would take his place?

The Vice President would take over in His place.