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In October 1768, British troops landed in Boston to enforce the Townshend duties (taxes on paint, paper, tea, etc., passed in June 1767) and clamp down on local radicals. The troops' presence doesn't sit well with locals and leads to street fights. One clash between soldiers and a mob in March 1770 will leave five dead. Radicals will call it the Boston Massacre, while the British will call it the incident on King Street.

It was essentially to enforce the Townshend Duties, a controversial tax imposed on the colonies during the political strife prior to armed rebellion.

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Q: Why are there so many British soldiers in Massachusetts and the other companies?
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Quatering act of 1765?

The Quartering Act were two acts that were put in place by the British Parliament in 1765. The purpose of these acts were to require the governments of the American to provide British soldiers with requests for lodging and food.

What forced colonist to house British soldiers?

Because of the Quartering act, colonists were forced to let British soldiers into their homes. The colonists had no choice! Soldiers also raided homes and barns for food, drink, clothing, horses, saddles, goats, etc. British believed "What is yours is MINE!"

How are Hessians different from British soldiers?

During the American Revolution, Britain "rented" entire units of German soldiers from their rulers, many of whom had family loyalties to Britain. True "Hessians" came from the region of what is now Hessen, in Germany. Additionally, the British deployed many German troops from other regions of present-day Germany, including Brunswick, Anspach-Bayreuth, Anhalt Zerbst, and Waldeck. However, the largest contribution of auxiliary troops came from Hessen-Kassel, so that "Hessian" became a term for all German auxiliaries deployed by the British in the Revolutionary War.

What were the advantages of the Americans in the Battle of Princeton?

The British troops were tired from fighting the other battles so it made it easier for the American troops to win therefore it pushes us toward winning independence.

Why did the parliament pass the coercive acts?

The Parliament passed the Coercive Acts in response to the Boston Tea Party, which they considered an act of rebellion against British authority. The purpose of these acts was to punish and assert control over the colony of Massachusetts, and to serve as a warning to other colonies. The British government hoped that by imposing these harsh measures, it would discourage further resistance and assert their authority over the colonies.

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A British fort is a place where British soldiers could recuperate. Other soldiers could inspect the area they are in. These were used in the 1700s and 1800s.

Why are there so many british solders in Massachusetts and the other colonies?

because there is

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Sameul Adams and other Anti-British agitators.

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Yes because they were the only other main ally left, but there were not that many British soldiers.

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They joined American soldiers.

How did other countries help the Americans their victory over the british?

They joined American soldiers.

What country had the most soldiers?

The British. They managed to outnumber all other countries during the WW2

What did the british call the bostonians?

British soldiers were called Red Coats by the Bostonians. They were also called Red Coats by most other people who were not loyal to the British Crown.

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