He rebelled against the Canadian Party (In which John A Macdonald led).
Louis Riel originally took over the Red River Territory, which Canada was to buy from the Hudson Bay Company. But the surveyor's were on the land before December 1 (The official transfer date). Riel escaped to the USA and came back later, to help the Metis people because of being treated poorly from Macdonald and the Canadian Party.
He was then caught, and hung in Regina, Saskatchewan.
Andrew Jackson was the leader in the Western states in 1824.
That's Andrew Jackson. "I have only two regrets: I didn't shoot Henry Clay and I didn't hang John C. Calhoun." Calhoun was the vice president, and Clay was an avid protestor in the Senate.
The 44 men who signed the Declaration of Independence committed treason against the king. As Franklin stated when he signed " we need to hang together or we will hang separately."
American Flag to his right Presidential flag to his left
the rogues gallery was where the wanted posters would hang so that the peelers could keep up-to-date on the rogues
Louis Riel is known to be either the Father of Confederation (as he brought in Manitoba aka the postage stamp province into Canada) or a "traitor." At the time, he was wanted from the rebellions that he sparked up. He was hanged from the 1885 Saskatchewan rebellion. Many of the Metis and French were horrified...Sir John A. MacDonald had said a famous quote: "He shall hang though every dog in Quebec bark in his favour." Basically saying that all the French people would be against the hanging but MacDonald would have to hang him or he'd lose votes in Ontario. Anyhow, it is still debatable whether he is a Father of Confederation or a traitor.
for the most part executioners wore black bags over there heads to protect there idenity because they would use a person in the comunity to comit the act ============== Riel's hangman of record was Jack Henderson. Henderson had been one of Riel's prisoners at Fort Garry during the Red River Resistance. Henderson was paid $80.00 to hang Riel.
Louis Pasteur hung out with other scientists including Joseph Lister, John Jacob Astor V., William Waldorf Aster and Robert Koch.
No they did not
Little john
John Adams
It was held in Regina, and he as sentenced to hang until he is dead because some people were hung, but they didn't die so he died. And there were 6 English speaking men which was really unfair to him but they didnt really care,and it was really hot and sweaty. There were witnesses, jury, prosecutor, don't know if they had the defence attorney or not and yeah..that's pretty much it if there's more, I'll post some mroe
Yes there really good friends!
Yes. They hang out a lot. Daniel is married to Brie and John is dating Nikki.
john amos
John Wilkes Booth was glad to see John Brown hang, but he admired Brown's bravery in facing death stoically
u usually find him in a wrestling ring