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Q: Why did Kennedy lack a mandate to push his measures through congress?
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How did lack of a mandate affect Kennedy's administration?

(This answer is the right one) Without a mandate, Kennedy had difficulty pushing his more controversial measures through Congress.

Was One of the measures the Republican Party forced through Congress in the early 1800s was the Naturalization Act?

true true

What similar legislative measures did presidents Truman and Eisenhower push through congress?

p.642, u can find it on that page

Who supported the civil rights act of 1964?

Democrats. Kennedy had gotten the bill moving towards Congress, but Johnson was able to get it through.

Did Kennedy have trouble getting his new frontier legislation through congress?

"he was elected by a small margin, and because the democrats and republicans blocked his the bills"

Did President John F Kennedy push the civil rights act through congress in 1963?

No. He died before he could get it done. LBJ had to do it.

Which did not approve Truman's plan to end racial discrimination?

The U.S. Congress did not approve of President Truman's plan to end racial discrimination through his civil rights proposals, such as anti-lynching laws and desegregation measures. Southern Democrats and conservative Republicans strongly opposed these measures.

What is the mandate of boards of accountancy?

These boards set entry requirements for their licensees; enforce measures to support continuing competence, through both professional education and/or peer review requirements for renewal of individual licenses

What happened to Ottoman territory in the Middle East after World War 1?

It was divided between Britain and France through the mandate system.

What is impeachment an example of?

Impeachment is the functional embodiment of sovereign rule of the people as exercised through Congress' Constitutional mandate. Impeachment confers upon the Congress one of the ultimate powers of checks and balances in the ability to remove presidents, justices and civil servants.

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Mandate of Heaven

How did Lyndon Johnson contribute to the black civil rights movement?

Johnson pushed through Congress most of Kennedy's civil rights agenda and generally improved the lot of minorities.