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they didn't have representation

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Q: Why did more people object the Stamp Act than the Sugar Act?
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Who was the stamp act about?

Well first.. the stamp act was not a person it was a act. The stamp act was placed on everything from important documents to playing cards and dice. Most merchants did not like the stamp act because the merchants had to pay for the stamps which meant the price of that object was going to be more and the higher the price was 4 that object the less people wanted to buy the object. Most stamp agents were tarred and feathered and some hanged! The PATRIOTS did not want to pay the tax, the LOYALIST wanted to pay the tax.

Did the colonist agree with the sugar act and the stamp act?

No, the colonists didn't agree with the Sugar Act and Stamp Act. The colonists protested because each act put taxes on stamps, sugar, molasses and more. Colonists thought it was unfair to them because the British were taxing them. They protested at the side of more acts and they eventually had the Revolutionary War.

Why was the Stamp Act more controversial than the stamp act?

Because the sugar act actually lowered taxes on molasses but the tax was actually enforced and the stamp act raised taxes on many printed materials

Can people tell the difference between regular gum and sugar free gum?

sugar free gum has no sugar in it ,but regular gum has more sugar. more sugar in gum causes people to be diabetics

What is more addictive sugar or nicotine?

Nicotine. Sugar is not addicting. It is the object of a compulsion, but the compound itself is not involved in the dependency, which is emotional in origin.

What was the reaction of the stamp act?

people didnt like it because they had to pay more for stamps

What made the stamp act different from others legislation that parliament enacted?

The stamp act was really more of the same of what they had been doing. The difference was up to that point the laws and acts being enacted were becoming more and more harsh and unfair, then came the stamp act which was absolutely foolish and it pushed the people to more anger.

Is stamp worth more used or unused?

A stamp is worth more unused

Where can I find more information on sugar solution?

The sugar solution helps you take control of your blood sugar and your weight. It helps people with diabetes! You can find more information on sugar solution at

Can a company charge more for a stamp then .43ct?

can a currency charge more for a usa stamp then .43ct

Why did the British Parliament pass the sugar and stamp act?

Because King George III was greedy and wanted more money. So he put outrageous taxes on the American Colonies.

How do you get the Play It Loud stamp in Club Penguin?

First,you'll need to go to the Lighthouse.Then,get 7 or more people to play instruments.If that happens,you will get the stamp.Even the other players will get the stamp too!