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Political parties usually start to form when a country moves from a monarchy or an oligarchy to some form of government that has a larger number of people making decisions - usually in the form of an elected body.

The reason this tends to happen is because when a monarch or dictator holds all the power, there is no need for him or her to consult anyone to have something done. In a democracy, or some other form of government where many people hold the power, it is very unlikely that a majority will agree on anything; thus, political parties are formed by people who have enough in common to reach a compromise and get bills passed.

Over time, a political party may attract more and more like-minded people who all are trying to reach the same goals. While this might seem like a good thing, it is usually negative as it creates political parties with official "party lines." It creates political parties that are unwilling to compromise, and only work towards the official party goals, even if these goals are not sanctioned by the general public.

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16y ago

In England, there were two political groups in parliament they were sort of clubs for MP's and Lords in the 1700's. The Kings friends were nicknamed 'Torys' and the Kings opponents were called Whigs. In the late 1800's when the electoral franchise started to expand to include almost all adult men, these groups had to organise outside parliament, with the Tories becoming the Conservative Party and the Whigs merging with other parliamentary factions to become the Liberal Party.

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12y ago

Different people with different beliefs in self-government. Each side had their own outputs on what was best. That's about the jist of it, in my opinion a bunch of old geezers just wanted something to argue about to keep the blood flowing. :)

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12y ago

Political Parties were formed under the Adams administration in 1796. They were formed because Jefferson and Hamilton had totally different views on how to run the country, especially when it comes to the economy. Hamilton created the federalists party which focused on manufacturing and was primarily more in the Northern colonies. Jefferson created the Democratic Republicans, also known as just Republicans. They focused more on farming and was located primarily in the South. George Washington warned against political parties in his farewell address, but they still happened.

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13y ago

The main purpose of a political party is to get its members elected to office. Parties are made up of people who have the same general idea and goals about governing. Once in power, the purpose of the Party is to accomplish its goals for the city, state, or nation. While not in power, the Party acts as the "loyal opposition" until it can elect a majority of its members to power. The Founding Fathers disliked political parties, calling them "factions" motivated by self interest. Washington was so upset over the quarreling between Hamilton (Federalists) and Jefferson (anti-Federalists) that he devoted much of his Farewell Address to the evils of parties. The people who supported Hamilton and Adams were called Federalists (supporters of the Constitution) but they were not an organized political party. The first organized party in America was made up of the followers of Jefferson, who, starting in the 1790s, called themselves Republicans (or Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans.) Hamilton and those who opposed Jefferson, kept the name Federalist. Jefferson's Republican Party has no ties to the current Republican Party. In fact, the current Democratic Party considers Jefferson and Andrew Jackson as the founders of their party.

To elect government officials easier based on what the people wanted. So the people could vote for their parties government official.

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15y ago

Seeks to attain and maintain political power within government

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13y ago

The two party system formed after Jefferson and Hamilton were members of Washington's cabinet.

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10y ago

Political parties form because different groups of people come rationally to very different conclusions about what the best direction is to take the country/state/city.

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Q: Why did political parties emerge?
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Did different political parties emerge in American government?

The First Two political parties (Federalists and Democratic-Republican Party) were formed during a conflict on how large the Government should actually be. Federalists supported Big Government. The Democratic Republican Party supported small Government.

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The plural of political party is "political parties".

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