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California became a state in 1850 in the middle of the slavery discussion and it came in free. This changed the balance of power in Congress.

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Q: Why did the admission of California alarm Southerners?
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Why did admission of California alarm southerns?

California became a state in 1850 in the middle of the slavery discussion and it came in free. This changed the balance of power in Congress.

Why were southerners against California's admission the the union as a free state?

If California entered the Union it would enter as a free state, the balance of power would be broken

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ADT is the best burglar alarm system available in California. It's useful not only for a burglar alarm but also for fires or just for knowing when your children go in and out the door.

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California became the 31st state.

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No, it was California.

When California asked for admission the Union it wanted to be admitted as a state?


What date did California enter the union as a free state?

1850. The admission of California was the biggest issue in the Compromise of 1850.

The debate was held in the senate over the admission of California to the union?

Great Debate :)

What controversial issue was settled by the compromised of 1850?

the admission of California as a free state

What difference between the southerners and the northerners is?

Southern California has a warmer climate. also we arent all hippies

Date of admission of the answer 158647 square miles?

Monday, September 9th, 1850. California.