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Most members of the Congress didn't want to break away from England. They wanted the colonies to remain English.

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The colonists called themselves English citizens so that they had special priviliges and they would one day return to England.

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Q: Why did the colonists still consider themselves English citizens?
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Who had the final authority over the colonists, royal governors, colonial legislatures, citizens themselves, the English monarch

Which of these statements is falseThe colonists still considered themselves to be English citizens at the beginning of the Revolutionary War?

The original reason the colonists fought in the Revolutionary War was to gain their independence from England.

How did the colonists image of themselves clash with their status as colonists?

It didn't clash. They were English colonies ruled by an English king and even after the war started they still saw themselves as English.

Why did the English colonist believe they could have the same rights as English citizens?

The English colonists believed they could have the same rights as English citizens because they considered themselves to be English subjects. They viewed their settlement in the colonies as an extension of the English nation and believed they were entitled to the same rights and protections as those living in England. They also saw themselves as participating in the English legal and political system and expected to be treated accordingly.

What are the rights of the colonists as English subject?

The rights the colonists had as English citizens was that they had the same rights as the people living in England. Basically, there were no changes between the colonists and the English citizens.

Is it true the colonist stil concidered themselves to be English citizens at the beginning of the Revolutionary War?

Some Colonists were Loyalists, loyal to England, while others were Revolutionaries who wanted to get out from under England's control.

What was the original reason the colonists went to war with the England?

the colonists went to war with Great Britain to protect their rights as English citizens

British name for people in the English colonies on the north American mainland?

Prior to and during the American Revolution, the name typically used by the British to denote the colonists on the North American continent was in fact 'American.' The term was not positive, as it was intended as yet one more way of distinguishing the colonists as different from (and lesser than) full British citizens. The colonists themselves were often disinclined to use the term to describe themselves given its disparaging meaning at the time.

How did the colonnists image of themselves clash with their status as colonists?

Many colonists thought of themselves as British not American and were not able to live the lifestyle of the British for very long.

How did colonists defend themselves?

What the colonists did to protect themselves from the actions of Parliament between 1765 and 1775 was to protest. They also refused to import the English goods. A good example of this was the Boston Tea Party.

The major objection that British colonists in North America had to English rule was that they were?

denied the rights of citizens who lived in England

What was the major objections that British colonists in North America had with England rule?

they didnt have the same rights as english citizens