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Wisely, the delegates compromised. They encouraged colonists to continue boycotting British goods but told colonial militias to prepare for war. Meanwhile, they drafted the Declaration of Rights, a list of 10 resolutions to be presented to King George III. Included was the colonists' right to "life, liberty, and property."

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The delegates compromised. They halted all trade with Britain and alerted the colonial militias to prepare for war. Meanwhile, they drafted a Declaration of Rights, a list of 10 resolutions that included the right to " life, liberty, and property "

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Q: Why did the first continental congress send the Declaration of Rights to the king?
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The First Continental Congress drew up a Declaration of?

The First Continental Congress drew up a statement known as the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress, also known as the Declaration of Colonial Rights, or the Declaration of Rights in 1774. It was similar to the Declaration of Rights and Grievances, but that document was drafted by a different group earlier, in 1765.

What did the first Continental Congress have to do with the Declaration of Independence?

The First Continental Congress had nothing to do with the Declaration of Independence.

What action did the first continental congress take first?

The First Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Rights and Grievances and the Continental Association.that's i think........

Progress made by the First Continental Congress?

The first Continental Congress created the Continental army and also wrote the Declaration of Independence. The Continental Congress is also responsible for making George Washington the General of the Army.

What was the declaration of rights and grievances?

The original Declaration of Rights and Grievances was written by the Stamp Act Congress in 1765. It raised fourteen objections to British policies and called upon King George and Parliament to address the complaints of the colonists.Another document called the "Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress" was written by the First Continental Congress 9 years later in 1774, and is also referred to as the Declaration of Rights and Grievances. This document was written in response to the Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts) and more closely resembled the grievances of the Declaration of Independence (1776).

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The First Continental Congress drew up a Declaration of?

The First Continental Congress drew up a statement known as the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress, also known as the Declaration of Colonial Rights, or the Declaration of Rights in 1774. It was similar to the Declaration of Rights and Grievances, but that document was drafted by a different group earlier, in 1765.

What was the outcome of the first continental congress?

The outcome of the First Continental Congress was a declaration that would state the rights of the colonists and halt the trade with Britain.

What was the outcome of the continental congress?

The outcome of the First Continental Congress was a declaration that would state the rights of the colonists and halt the trade with Britain.

Body led by john Adams that issued a declaration of rights?

The First Continental Congress

What did the first continental congress do for America?

wrote The Declaration of Rights and Grievances. You're welcome

What did the first Continental Congress have to do with the Declaration of Independence?

The First Continental Congress had nothing to do with the Declaration of Independence.

What did the first continental congress decide to do if great Britain rejected the declaration of rights?

Go to war

What action did the first continental congress take first?

The First Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Rights and Grievances and the Continental Association.that's i think........

What was the main demand of the Declaration of Rights that came out of the First Continental Congress?

The main demand of the Declaration of Rights from the First Continental Congress was to assert the rights of the colonists to govern themselves and have representation in the British government. It also called for an end to oppressive acts by the British Parliament and sought to uphold the traditional rights and liberties of Englishmen.

What act led colonial leaders to form the first continental congress and draw up a declaration of colonial rights in 1774?

Intolerable Acts by the British led colonial leaders to form the first continental congress and draw up a declaration of colonial rights in 1774. The congress was held as a means of protest against the British.

What was the main demand of the declaration of the rights that came out of the first continental congress?

the main demand was to be free and have a democratic government.

Why did the first continental congress send then declaration of rights to the king?

They didn’t send the Declaration of Rights. That was done a century before them. They Did send the king the Declaration of Independence listing the wrongs against the colonies they felt he had committed.