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Q: Why did us establish a form of democratic government instead of a theocracy or monarchy?
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What type of government did the National Convention establish in September 1792?

The Convention met in Sptember 1792 to ablosih the monarchy and establish the Frech republic -Merick

How would you compare and contrast the different forms of government adopted by the four nations of The United States India Iran and Saudi Arabia?

Iran has a government similar to the democratic republic of the United States. The government in Turkey is based on separation of powers. Indian government is a secular democratic republic and Saudi Arabia is a monarchy.

Difference between democratic government and republican government?

You are asking a familiar question in a new and intriguing manner. One that can lead to a better explanation. Usually we hear people say that "The United States of America (for example) is a republic and not a democracy." You ask; what is the difference? The word "republican" applies to the character of the nation state. A monarchy, for example, is not a republic. Saudi Arabia is a Monarchy. Russia is a republic. The government of a monarchy is vested in the King. The King is empowered by God. The government of a republic can take many forms such as elected representative democracy or single party communist state. But a republic draws it's authority from the people. Democracy is having the character of the people. A republic that is based on democratic principles draws it's authority from the people. A republic can be democratic or dictatorial. North Korea is a republic. It's full name is "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea." Even dictators thrive to be seen as democratic, even when they are not. The "Islamic Republic of Iran" has dozens of supposedly democratic institutions and elections. Fundamentally though those choices are limited to the people by the theocratic nature of the government. Iran is actually a Theocracy where a state religion rules. It may be important to realize that this issue is not a question in other countries that either are well schooled in Government in general and/or do not have two major political parties named Republicans and Democrats.

What countries have a theocratic government?

A theocratic government is one where the Religion and the State are the same - that is, all government functions (and decision-making) is done by the religious hierarchy. This is distinct from the concept of a State Religion. Currently, there are really only one real theocracy in the World: Vatican City. Iran has a strange mix of theocratic and democratic elements. Likewise, Saudi Arabia has a mix of theocracy and an absolute monarchy. Israel has a State Religion with some influence over the secular government, but even that portion really isn't a theocracy (as the State Religion isn't organized in such a manner as to be able to exert institutional influence).

Ten types of government?

There are only 3 types of governments in the United States of America. Thus being: state government, tribal government, and federal government. The federal government has 3 branches under its government. Which is Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branch. But, all of those branches are still under the federal government. Thus being said 4 governments in America is clearly false.

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Theocracy..! That's it!

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In a democratic, constitutional monarchy, the monarchy has no affect on housing policy.

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What were the goals in the french slogan of the revolution?

The French Revolution (1789-1793) attempted to establish a democratic government in place of the monarchy. Its goals were "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" (Liberty, equality, brotherhood).