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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago

because some people are dumb, sorry to tell u

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Q: Why do you think people believe the stories Senator McCarthy told?
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How was McCarthy able to gain such a powerful hold on the public and government?

As a senator, he exploited the people's fear of communism. The Russians had the a-bomb, China went communist, the stalemate that ended the Korean war. The American people feared communism and Senator McCarthy expressed their fears for a while, until he went to far and accused almost everyone of being a communist. His paranoia got the better of him and he lost power fast.

What was a blacklist How did political witch-hunts result in these lists?

In general, a blacklist is a list of people or organizations suspected of crimes or of activities to undermine the society. In the case of the witch-hunt against communism in the McCarthy era, the blacklist consisted of people and organizations suspected of communist and anti-American sympathies. The original blacklist was drawn up by Senator McCarthy, but he forced people to add their own blacklists to his - and some did not even need much forcing, such as Ronald Reagan, the later US President. His blacklist meant the end of the careers of a great number of his Hollywood fellow-actors and movie makers. In the end, a Congressional Committee scrutinized the blacklists and found them to be " a tissue of fabrications". It meant the end of McCarthy's career.

How were the accused by McCarthy investigated?

McCarthy accused many Americans of being communists. Ironically, he was never able to actually identify any communists. People who McCarthy named were brought before a senate committee and made to testify, and try to explain their innocence. McCarthy ruined many careers by falsely accusing people of being communist.

What is McCarthism in the red scare?

Sen. Joseph McCarthy instituted a series of "witch hunts" in which people who were suspected of Communist ties were brought in and publicly questioned. The suspicions were often based on hearsay and violated the privacy of those questioned. McCarthism refers to the mindset and techniques used by McCarthy. He seemed to believe that everyone was a dangerous communist until he could prove otherwise.

Can a senator be re-elected an unlimited number of times?

YES! The people decide when the senator is no longer fit to serve in Congress.

Related questions

What did senator McCarthy do in the 1950's?

Senator McCarthy started blaming people to be communist. He would blame people who would go against him. But people wouldn't fight McCarthy because they were afraid of them.

Which of these was not a factor in making people afraid of the soviet union during the time of senator McCarthy?

Senator McCarthy told people that they should not fear communists.ya gurl Julia answered this on.

Which president led a hunt for supposed communists in the US during the 1950s?

Senator Joseph McCarthy pretended to pursue communism but it was seen by many as a way of publicizing himself. He was seen as a demagogue who preyed upon people's fears and prejudices for personal gain and in the process destroyed many people's lives.President Dwight Eisenhouer said, "Senator McCarthy is, of course, so anxious for the headlines that he is prepared to go to any extremes in order to secure some mention of his name in the public press."

Who was Joseph McCarthy and what was he looking for?

Joseph McCarthy was a US Senator in the late 1940's who was looking for people,such as Communists who were plotting to subvert the US government.

Why did people criticize Senator Joseph McCarthy's campaign to find Communists in in the US government?


What happened to Senator Joseph McCarthy investigation on alleged communist infiltration of armed forces?

The investigation conducted by Senator Joseph McCarthy on alleged communist infiltration of the armed forces eventually lost support and credibility. McCarthy's tactics and reckless accusations led to public backlash, and he was censured by the Senate in 1954. This event marked the decline of McCarthy's influence and marked the beginning of his downfall.

He led the anti-communist movement in the 1950s?

Senator Joe McCarthy

Who preyed on the fear of the people in the US of communism to hunt down anyone he believed to be a communist?

Senator Joseph McCarthy.

What effects did senator McCarthy and McCarthyism have on American society?

He instituted fear for the Reds, and created more distrust for the government by the people.

When did senator Joseph McCarthy ruthlessly investigates people on false charges of communist conspiracy?

During the 1950's

Who attacked and labeled various people as communists during the 1950s?

If you're referring to US History, that would be Senator Joseph McCarthy.

What ultimately happened to Senator Joseph McCarthy's investigation on communists in the US?

Senator Joseph McCarthy investigation of communists in the US government and in the entertainment business ultimately came to an end when the US Congress censured him. His investigative tactics were judged to be extreme and President Eisenhower agreed with the censure.