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to spread power equally between the three branches..

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Q: Why does the US government use checks and a balance system?
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How do you use balance of power in a sentence?

The system of checks and balances ensures that the government maintains a balance of power.

What do you use to make sure no one branch of the government has too much power?

Checks and balance

How does congress place checks over the president?

They probably use the check and balance system you learn about in 2nd grade.

What a good sentence of the word checks?

You didn't say which meaning you want to use, so here are a couple of examples. The checks were forged. When faced with a fence, the horse always checks and won't jump it. The government uses a system of checks and balances.

How did the framers use separation of checks and balances to limit the power of government?

how did the framers use separation of powers and checks and balances to limit the powers of government

How is America's system of checks and balances similar to the government of the roman republic?

they are both high quality techniques in the system most techniques they use are almost the same.

How are state governments most similar to the federal government?

they are organized into three branches and use a system of checks and balances to ensure no branch becomes too powerful

What do you use to make sure no one of government has too much power?

The checks and balances system is used to prevent one part of government from gaining too much power. This system breaks the government into three separate branches which all must work together.

What is a example of how they use the check and balance system?

brazile is having check and balance system

Use checks and balances in a sentences?

Example sentence for the noun phrase 'checks and balances':The government uses checks and balances to separate the responsibilities of departments.

What stops one government from getting too powerful?

The federal government has 3 parts, or branches. To make sure that no one branch has too much power, the U.S. constitution set up a system of, "checks and balances" . Each branch may use its powers to check or limit the power's of the other two.

How do you use checks and balances in a sentence?

The United States government uses a system of checks and balances to ensure that no single branch or person has more control. The government uses checks and balances to separate other branches. Our government maintains order through a system of checks and balances.