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The constitution has endured because it is updated from time to time depending on the time period. The people who update the Constitution update it using research about the modern time.

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Because the constitution is a living document, and is therefore allowed to change to meet the USA's needs at the time

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because it can be changed for changing times.

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the constitution confirms it to the president which adapts technologicly

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because they are stupid!!

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Q: Why has the constitution been able to adapt to change?
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Why is it important to have a chapter in the constitution about how it can be changed?

First, there are no chapters in the constitution. There are articles and admendments. It is important to be able to change the constitution because it was written in 1787 and adopted in 1789. Our founding fathers had the foresight to see that things would be invented and society would change and the constitution would have to adapt to the changes. Electric power hadn't even been invented when it was written neither were computers or drones. No telephones or TV's and no movies. The airplane won't be invented until 1903 and so was the car in 1889. All of these things have affected society and rights. We have no idea what the world will be like in a 100 years but our constitution will meet the future needs of that world because it can change.

Results in changes to the written words of the constitution?

An amendment is a change in the Constitution, which could either be an addition, a deletion or simply a modification. In the history of the U.S. Constitution, only 27 amendments have been ratified.

Aspects of the constitution offer a way for the Americans to shape their government when conditions change?

Article V of the Constitution allows for amendments to the Constitution as a means to change it. Currently a total of 27 amendments have been approved, with the last one being in 1992 limiting congressional pay raises.

What aspect of the constitution offer a way for Americans to shape up their government when conditions change?

Article V of the Constitution allows for amendments to the Constitution as a means to change it. Currently a total of 27 amendments have been approved, with the last one being in 1992 limiting congressional pay raises.

How are the courts able to change the Constitution?

They can "change" the Constitution by making rulings in lawsuits on the meaning of the Constitution's wording. They don't change, add to or subtract from the words in the Constitution the way an Amendment would, but they can read the same words differently. A good example is the one concerning racial segregation. In the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that separate restrooms for whites and blacks was not unconstitutional as long as the facilities were equal. In effect, racial segregation was constitutional. Then the Supreme Court in the 1954 case of Brown v. Board of Education ruled that "separate but equal" facilities were inherently unequal and therefore unconstitutional. In effect, segregation was now unconstitutional. The Constitution had changed even though not one word, comma or sentence of the Constitution had been changed in the time between the two cases.

Related questions

How has American constitution been able to change during the years?

yes they are called ammendments

Why has the constitution been able to adapt to changing conditions?

This is an entirely subjective question but... I'd say that the US Constitution is, in and of itself, entirely inert. It has been the US Supreme Court that has bent and molded it through various interpretations through the years.

Why has the Constitution been able to withstand two hundred years?

The fact that the United States Constitution can be amended and changed as necessary has allowed it to adapt to fit the need of any legal issue so far. =D

What is term of the change that have been made to the constitution?

When people seek to change the constitution, they refer to it as amending the constitution

Why is it important to have a chapter in the constitution about how it can be changed?

First, there are no chapters in the constitution. There are articles and admendments. It is important to be able to change the constitution because it was written in 1787 and adopted in 1789. Our founding fathers had the foresight to see that things would be invented and society would change and the constitution would have to adapt to the changes. Electric power hadn't even been invented when it was written neither were computers or drones. No telephones or TV's and no movies. The airplane won't be invented until 1903 and so was the car in 1889. All of these things have affected society and rights. We have no idea what the world will be like in a 100 years but our constitution will meet the future needs of that world because it can change.

How has the unites states constitution been able to change over the years?

There is an amendment process for changing the Constitution. So far there have been 27 amendments. The Supreme Court can in effect change the Constitution by its decisions. Indeed the changes made by the Supreme Court are often more radical and far-reaching than those made by amendment .

What is is amending the constitution?

It means to change it. The U.S. Constitution has been amended 27 times.

What is amending the constitution?

It means to change it. The U.S. constitution has been amended 27 times.

Why do animals not always survive if they are moved out of their natural environment?

They might not have been able to adapt.

Why have there been amendments to the constitution?

It's because our country's necesities change overtime, and as they change, changes and additions and modifications must be made to the Constitution.

How was our country able to create a constitution that functions even though times change?

Our creators of the constitution were very smart and knew that things would change in the future so they built in a method of change into the constitution. This process is the amendments to add, change, or correct problems in the constitution. Added to this is the Supreme Court who uses the constitution to decide cases and to add to law or change law. For instance, the 4th amendment doesn't specify what " search and seizure " is, so court cases before the Supreme Court have been used to define what it is and how states are to use it to prove guilt.

Has the us ever changed the constitution?

An amendment is a change to the constitution so no once they have been enacted they have not changed.