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Because it would be censored. You would loose free speech.

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Q: Why is it important for the government to not own the press?
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What is the important of oligarchy?

The government censored the press, limited free speech, and punished dissent.

Why is the first amendment important to you?

Why are freedoms in the First Amendment important for people in a democracy?

Do press really help in maintaining democracy in a country?

Yes! Freedom of the press is a cornerstone of democracy. The press is an independent agency that (ideally) reports objective truth to the people so that they are informed and able to make their own decisions, including whether or not they approve of the government's actions. Control of the press by the government is employed by Fascist regimes to create their own subjective version of the truth. Democracy requires multiple viewpoints, and the ability to criticize the government is one of the most important rights in a democracy. The press helps shine a light on reality. Power exercised in the dark--without oversight, regulation, and feedback from those governed--is too easily abused. The more we know about our government, the more we can assure that it adheres to the tenets of democracy.

What is one important activity associated with a free press?

investigating and criticizing government actions

Why was the lome letter important?

The De Lome letter was important because it was a private letter that was published in the American press telling about his feelings on President McKinley negatively. This prompted De Lome's resignation informing the U.S. authorities that it was his own views and not those of his government.

What does a constitution do and why is it important in democracy?

It provides a framework for a government so it can work as a democracy.

Why is free press important in a democracy?

In a democracy, the vote of the people guides the policy of the government. If the people are not informed of the truth, they cannot vote rationally. If the press is not free, the rulers determine whether the press publishes the truth or Propaganda.

What keeps the government from controlling the press?

The Bill of Rights First Amendment is freedom of speech and press. This means the government doesn't have the right to control the press or what we say, write, or protest about. When a government works at controlling freedom of speech or press it is a authoritarian government of a dictator.

Why is the first amendment important to our type of government?

its the freedom of speech press court religion and rallies. without these our nation wouldn't be as great as it is

What is the relationship between the press and government?

The press influences what the public thinks about the government, by the stories or editorials that they publish, and the government influences what the press publishes, by giving out press releases. This is in a way a symbiotic relationship. They depend upon each other.

Why is a free and open press important to a democracy?

A free and open press is important to a democracy because it serves as a check on government power, provides public accountability, and encourages informed citizen participation. It helps to expose corruption, hold leaders accountable, and ensures the dissemination of diverse and reliable information to citizens, allowing them to make informed decisions. The press also promotes transparency and provides a platform for diverse voices and opinions to be heard.

Which speaker's statement reflects an understanding of the importance of the First Amendment's protection of freedom of speech to democracy?

Speaker 3: Freedom of press is important because people rely on the press for information about the actions of their government.