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Some said Jefferson Davis was guilty of treason and ought to be hanged.

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Q: Why was the Civil War a Constitutional Crisis?
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What does the Nullification Crisis have to do with the Civil War?

it helped me alot ;)

What constitutional issues did the Civil War provoke?


What are the constitutional issues relevant to the civil war and reconstruction?

The constitutional issues relevant to the civil war and reconstruction include the lack of a ban on slavery, secession was also not prohibited by the constitution

How do you celebrate Abraham Lincoln's life?

President Lincoln is famous for leading the nation through the American Civil War, the most significant constitutional, moral, and political crisis.

What event turned the secession crisis into a civil war?

The election of Lincoln as president.

What are facts about the suspension of Constitutional rights in the US during the US Civil War?

Some of the facts about the suspension of constitutional rights in the US during the US Civil War was limited powers that were weakened further by the Bill of Rights.

What event in 1860 turned to the secession crisis into a civil war?

The secession of South Carolina from the Union

What was a serious constitutional question after the civil war?

the political and legal status of the former Confederate states

What was the constitutional controversy that led directly to the start of the US Civil War?

the right to secede from the union

How did the nullification crisis lead to the war?

The nullification crisis lead to the civil war because the southern states felt it took away from their rights. States rights were very important at this time in history.

What were the events leadin upto world war 2?

Events leading up to world war 2- the reoccupation of the rhineland, the polish crisis, the Czech crisis, the anschluss, spanish civil war and Mussolini's actions in abyssinia.

What were the state rights before the civil war?

whassup? whassup? whassup? whassup? whassup?The Nullification Crisis